books by publisher
Kogan Page Ltd

Education and the Good Life: Beyond the National Curriculum (The London education series)

The Making of a Manager: How to Launch Your Management Career on the Fast Track!

Develop Your Assertiveness

How to Win in a Volatile Stock Market

The Complete Guide to Property Development for the Small Investor: How to Identify the Best Opportunities in a Volatile Property Market

E-PR Essential Guide to PR on the Internet: The Essential Guide to Public Relations on the Internet

Practical Facilitation: A Toolkit of Techniques

Managing a Sales Team: Techniques for Field Sales-managers

Health Education (World Yearbook of Education)

Reforming Religious Education: The Religious Clauses of the 1988 Education Reform Act (Bedford Way Papers)

Creative Decision-making: Using Positive Uncertainty (Better Management Skills S.)

The Tightening Grip: Growth of Central Control of the School Curriculum: 21 (Bedford Way Papers)

Developing Assessment for the National Curriculum (Bedford Way Papers)

No, Minister: Critique of the Department of Education and Science Paper "School Curriculum" (Bedford Way Papers)

Initial Teacher Education: Policies and Progress (London education studies)

Essential Korean Phrase Book (Periplus phrase series)

Successful Large Account Management: How to Hold on to Your Most Important Customers and Turn Them into Long Term Assets

Performance Management and Staff Appraisal (Health Care Management S.)

Managing Disagreement Constructively

Meetings That Work!: A Practical Guide to Shorter and More Productive Meetings (Richard Chang Collection: Quality Improvement S.)

Europe 2002

30 Hour BASIC: No M27 (National Extension College correspondence texts)

The NVQ and GNVQ Assessor Handbook: A Practical Guide to Achieving Units D32, D33, D34 and D36

The Business Guide to Effective Writing

Implementing Strategic Change: A Practical Guide for Business

Cost-effective Training: A Manager's Guide (Practical Trainer S.)

A Handbook of Communication Skills

A Marketing Action Plan for the Growing Business

Practical Teacher Appraisal (Books for Teachers S.)