books by publisher
Marshall Pickering

The Bible Beasties

The Holy Spirit in the Bible: An Exploration from Genesis to Revelation

Daily Light

World Praise

Enter His Gates

Music from Taize: Vol 2: Vocal (Music from Taize: Vocal)

Genesis (Small Group Bible Studies: 12 Discussions for Group Bible Study)

The Horizontal Epistles of Andromeda Veal

Island Vision

Amplified Bible

The God of Our Journey

Hidden in His Hands

In Whom the Father Delights: Growing Closer to God Through Suffering

My All for Him


Collected Wisdom for Youth Workers

The Journey

Daily Light: Morning and Evening Readings: A.V

Soul Friends: Journey with Thomas Merton

A Little Book of Celtic Prayer

In Our Midst

Sons of Israel, Sons of God

God's Little Instruction Book for Mums

The Pilgrim Church

What the Bible Teaches

Yak, Yak, Yak!

Survivor: Tribute to Cliff

Sing Mission Praise: v. 2

Roget's Thesaurus of the Bible