books by publisher
Marshall Pickering
Assembled in Britain: Poems So Far, 1972-86
The Jesus I Never Knew
Victorious Christian Faith
Royal Route to Heaven: Studies in Corinthians I
The Ministry of Intercession (Evangelical heritage series)
The Definitive Bible Commentary
Who Made Me?
Being Human, Being Church: Spirituality and Mission in the Local Church
Gentle Persuasion: Creative Ways to Introduce Your Friends to Christ
Children's Praise (Mission Praise S.)
The Good Stranger (Best of the bunch II)
The Testing of Hearts: A Pilgrim's Journal
The Listening Heart: Seven Days with the Seven Churches of the Apocalypse
The International Bible Commentary: New International Version
Feast of Fire: The famous Pensacola revival
The Precious Pearl
Remember Me: Stations of the Cross (Christian spirituality series)
Friends of Jesus
I Step, I Mount: The Vision of John Henry Newman
In the Garden (Who madeā¦)
Effective Biblical Counselling
Music Edition (World Praise)
God in Action
A Little Book of Comfort
Secret Choices for every married couple
God's Gloves
When the Writing on the Wall is in Brown Crayon