books by publisher

Nazi Germany (European History in Perspective)

Principles of Property Investment and Pricing (Building and Surveying Series)

The End of Imperial Russia, 1855-1917 (European History in Perspective)

Economics Revision Guide

Revise Mathematics to Further Level GCSE (Work Out Series)

Brussels Bureaucrats?: The Administration of the European Union (The European Union Series)

Decision-Making in the European Union (The European Union Series)

Women in Organisations: Challenging Gender Politics (Management, Work and Organisations)

Louis XIV (European History in Perspective)

Ireland in the Middle Ages (British History in Perspective)

Social Work and Community Care

Small Business Management (Macmillan Small Business S.)

Profiles and Portfolios: A guide for nurses and midwives

Psychology in Perspective

Seamus Heaney (New Casebooks)

Managing Strategy

Ethics and Values in Social Work (British Association of Social Workers (BASW) Practical Social Work)

Crown and Nobility in Early Modern France (European History in Perspective)

Psychotherapy with Women: Feminist Perspectives

The Management and Practice of Public Relations

A History of the English Language

The Kingdom of Ireland, 1641-1760 (British History in Perspective)

Family and Household in Medieval England (Social History in Perspective)

Medieval Germany, 500 - 1300: A Political Interpretation (European History in Perspective)

The French Revolution, 1789-1804: Authority, Liberty and the Search for Stability: Liberty, Authority and the Search for Stability (European History in Perspective)

Gladstone (British History in Perspective)

The Zenith of European Monarchy and its Elites: The Politics of Culture, 1650-1750 (European History in Perspective)

Britain in Decline: Economic Policy, Political Strategy and the British State

Industrial Economics: Issues and Perspectives