books by publisher
Paternoster Press
The Spreading Flame
The King of God's Kingdom: A Solution to the Puzzle of Jesus


Christians and the Third World

What is Economic Justice?: Biblical and Secular Perspectives Contrasted

Mystery of Israel (Pocket Books)

The New Conspirators: Creating the Future One Mustard Seed at a Time

Jungle Doctor's Crooked Dealings

S Lewis vs the New Atheists

From the Future: Getting to Grips with Pannenberg's Thought

Think God, Think Science: Conversation on Life, The Universe and Faith

Reading Paul

Primitive Piety: A Journey from Suburban Mediocrity to Passionate Christianity

Encountering Jesus: Character Studies in the Gospel of John

Detection of the Trinity

Take My Silver

Jesus and the Kingdom of God

Husband Book
Jungle doctor

Jungle Doctor's Tug of War
Jungle Doctor's Casebook

Introducing Radical Orthodoxy: Mapping a Post-secular Theology

New International Dictionary of New Testament Theology

But is He God?: A Fresh Look at the Identity of Jesus

Celebrating Children.Equipping people working with children and young people living in difficult circumstances around the world

Bible and Archaeology

Becoming More Like Christ: Introducing a Biblical-contemporary Journey (Discipleship as Wholeness): Introducing a Biblical-contemporary Journey (Discipleship as Wholeness)

Lighten Their Darkness: The Evangelical Mission to Working-class London, 1828-1860 (Studies in Evangelical History & Thought)

Soaring in the Spirit: Rediscovering Mystery in the Christian Life (Faith in an Emerging Culture)