books by publisher
Piccadilly Press
Sonny's Birthday Prize
A Library of Lemons
Bella at the Ball (Princess Katie's Kittens)
Doctor Who-The Tardis Inside Out
Conker and Nudge
To Diana, with Love from the Children (Diana Princess of Wales)
Zelda and the Corgis
Follow Jo's Kite
The Sprite Sisters Book 5: New Magic
The Stars of the Hunger Games: Inside Out
Echoes of Love
The Summer of Telling Tales
The Bombay Deaths Incident (Unexplained) (Unexplained S.)
Brothers, Boyfriends and Babe-magnets (Best Mates Forever) (Best Mates Forever)
Love, Mates and Money
Help! My Social Life is a Mess!: A Survival Guide for Teenagers (Help! books)
Fergus's Secret (Fergus)
Take the Sting Out of Study (Take the sting out of study)
The Incredible Dadventure 3: The Spectacular Holly-Day
Bella Donna 4: Cat Magic
The Money, Stan, Big Lauren and Me
Death in the Devil’s Den (The London Murder Mysteries)
Spies, Dad, Big Lauren and Me
Sussed and Streetwise: A Teenager's Guide
For Weddings, a Funeral and When You Can't Flush the Loo: Teenage Tips and Tactics
Super Soccer Boy and the Alien Invasion
A Storm of Strawberries
Fergus Goes Quackers