books by publisher
Piccadilly Press

Natural Remedies for Your Cat

Cookie! (Book 3): Cookie and the Most Mysterious Mystery in the World




The Bex Factor

Death of a Chimney Sweep

I Was a Teenage Worrier


Cyborg Cat: Rise of the Parsons Road Gang

Robert Pattinson: Inside Out

My Hamster is a Genius

A Suspiciously Simple History of Science and Invention (without the Boring Bits)

Just Jack

Cyborg Cat: Rise of the Parsons Road Gang

The Scandalous Sisterhood of Prickwillow Place

Wilfred the Unwise
Camden Street Kids: In the Money

Fifty Fifty

The Wild Robot Escapes (The Wild Robot 2)

The Perfect Ghost Story

Only We Know

Mark Anchovy: Pizza Detective (Mark Anchovy 1)

Kumari: Goddess of Secrets

Break Point


Hold Your Breath

The Celeb Next Door

The Perfect Lie?: The "Guardian"/Picadilly Press Teenage Writing Competition