books by publisher
Policy Press

New Media and Public Activism: Neoliberalism, the State and Radical Protest in the Public Sphere

Markets as sites for social interaction: Spaces of diversity

Public Spaces, Social Relations and Well-being in East London

Unequal Health: The Scandal of Our Times

New Labour's countryside: Rural policy in Britain since 1997

Youth crime and youth justice: Public opinion in England and Wales

Changing Adolescence: Social Trends and Mental Health

Providing a Sure Start: How government discovered early childhood

Understanding Research for Social Policy and Practice: Themes, Methods and Approaches

Father and Daughter: Patriarchy, Gender and Social Science

Understanding health and social care

Children these days

Tackling the roots of racism: Lessons for success

The effects of parents' employment on children's lives

Using evidence: How research can inform public services

Social Policy Review 17: Analysis and debate in social policy, 2005

New Labour, new welfare state?: The 'third way' in British social policy

Social Innovation: How Societies Find the Power to Change

The Political Economy of Health Care: A Clinical Perspective

Social Workers Affecting Social Policy: An International Perspective

Discursive analytical strategies: Understanding Foucault, Koselleck, Laclau, Luhmann

People-centred public health (Evidence for Public Health Practice)

Evaluating Outcomes in Health and Social Care (Better Partnership Working)

Leadership for healthcare

Social work and people with dementia, second edition: Partnerships, practice and persistence (BASW/Policy Press titles)

Why We Can't Afford the Rich

Health inequalities: Lifecourse approaches (Studies in Poverty, Inequality and Social Exclusion Series)

The education debate: Policy and Politics in the Twenty-First Century (Policy and Politics in the Twenty-first Century Series)

Childcare markets: Can They Deliver an Equitable Service?