books by publisher
Square Peg

How to Be English

Maps of My Life

Pantsdrunk: The Finnish Art of Drinking at Home. Alone. In Your Underwear.

The Resourceful Mum's Handbook: Baby on a Budget
The Bumper Book of Nature

The Vagenda: A Zero Tolerance Guide to the Media

Cats: A Feline Compendium

150 Things Every Man Should Know: Telling you the Things Your Best Friend Can't

Gardening for Bumblebees: A Practical Guide to Creating a Paradise for Pollinators

The Little Book of Lunch

The Garden Forager: Edible Delights in your Own Back Yard

The Book of 365: All the Numbers, None of the Maths

The Roasting Tin Around the World: Global One Dish Dinners

The Bumper Book of Nature

365 Everyday Games and Pastimes: Something Fun for Everyone

The Quick Roasting Tin: 30 Minute One Dish Dinners (Rukmini’s Roasting Tin)

The Roasting Tin: Simple One Dish Dinners

Gimson’s Kings and Queens: Brief Lives of the Forty Monarchs since 1066

The Drunken Cookbook

What Have I Done?: 2020’s must read memoir about motherhood and mental health

Gimson's Presidents: Brief Lives from Washington to Trump

God's Doodle: The Life and Times of the Penis

Mum Knows Best

Meringue Girls Cookbook

The Green Roasting Tin: Vegan and Vegetarian One Dish Dinners

Advanced Homework for Grown-ups

The Coffee Table Book of Doom

Spoon's Carpets: An Appreciation

Lost in Translation: An Illustrated Compendium of Untranslatable Words