books by publisher
Templar Publishing

Snowtime Tales: A Collection of Winter Stories

I Spy on the Farm

The Butterfly Garden

The Three Bears


Pop-Up Know-It-All: Space (Pop Out Know It All)

Snappy Sounds - Farm: Noisy Pop-up Fun (Snappy Noisy Pops)

Jane Foster's Halloween
Adventure with Billy Bunny: An Interactive Pop-up Book (Golden books)

Animal Nursery: First Words

Jane Cabrera: Numbers

The Practical Princess Guide

Snappy Transport (Happy Snappy Book) (Happy Snappy Book S.)


Flip Flap Snap: Jungle

Inventions (Insiders Series)

Just So Stories (Templar Classics) (Templar Classics S.)

The Apprentice's Handbook: A Course in Wizardology (Ology Handbook)

The Toys' Easter Surprise

When You Were Born

Calm Down Boris ( anniversary limited edition (sam lloyd Series)

Alphabet: A Child's First Abc by Alison Jay

Alison Jay Nursery Rhyme Rainbow

The Pirates Next Door (Jonny Duddle)

Ozzy Owl

When (Emma Dodd Series)

Bee's Book of Big and Small (Bugsy & Friends)

Butterfly's Book of Colours (Bugsy & Friends)

Dear God