books by subject
A Conversation Waiting to Begin: the Churches and the Gay Controversy
Bread Not Stones: the Autobiography of an Eventful Life
Gospel Medicine
A Feast of Anglican Spirituality
Difficult Gospel: The Theology of Rowan Williams
From DNA to Dean: Reflections and Explorations of a Priest-scientist
Finding the Church: The Dynamic Truth of Anglicanism
If you meet George Herbert on the road, kill him: Radically Re-Thinking Priestly Ministry
Middle Way: Theology, Politics and Economics in the Later Thought of R.H.Preston
I think it's God calling: A vocation diary
Rise and Fall of the Nine O'Clock Service: A Cult within the Church?
All Things Anglican: Who we are and what we believe
Kilvert the Victorian: A New Selection from Kilvert's Diaries
Jack in the Pulpit: Memories of a Country Parson
Anglican Religious Life 2014-15: A yearbook of religious orders and communities in the Anglican Communion and tertiaries, oblates, associates and companion
Abortion and the Church: What are the Issues?
A Heart in my Head: A Biography of Richard Harries
Committed to Christianity (Faith & Commitment)
Hymns for Today
Hymns, Ancient & Modern Revised - Melody Edition
The Church of England: A Portrait
Archbishop Grindal, 1519-83: Struggle for a Reformed Church
A Different Kind of Church: Mayflower Family Centre Story
The Religion of Protestants: The Church in English Society 1559-1625 (Ford Lectures): 1979
An Island Parish: A Summer on Scilly
The Word is Very Near You: A guide to preaching the lectionary - Years A, B & C
Daily with God
A Priest's Handbook: The Ceremonies of the Church, Third Edition
Youth A Part: Young People and the Church