books by subject

The Book of Common Prayer: Past, Present and Future: A 350th Anniversary Celebration

Jesus' People: What the Church Should Do Next

The Eucharistic Theology of Jeremy Taylor Today

The Anglican Tradition


The Longman Companion to the European Reformation, c.1500-1618 (Longman Companions To History)

Revised Common Lectionary Pew (Red)

Church of England Year Book

Richard Hooker and the Vision of God: Exploring the Origins of 'Anglicanism'

Anglican Theological Method from the Reformation to the Oxford Movement: Anglican Theological Method from the Reformation to the Enlightenment

Atheist Priest?: Don Cupitt and Christianity

Steel Angels: The Personal Qualities Of A Priest

Collects from the Alternative Service Book: 87 (ASB S.)

Comfort and Joy single copy: Nine Lessons and Carols for Christmas

From Ploughshare to Crook: Bill Flagg's Story

Mervyn Stockwood: A Lonely Life

Believing Bishops

John Moorman: Anglican, Franciscan and Independent

The Truth Shall Make You Free: The Lambeth Conference, 1988

With Hope in Our Hearts

The Parting of Friends: The Wilberforces and Henry Manning

The Faith of Samuel Johnson: An Anthology of His Spiritual and Moral Writings and Conversation (Christian lives series)

Unfinished: George Appleton Remembers and Reflects

Theology, Church and Ministry

Life in Christ: Morals, Communion and the Church

First of its Kind: Jeremy Taylor's Life of Christ: A Study in the Functioning of a Moral Theology

How Clergy Thrive: Insights from Living Ministry

Canterbury Letters to the Future

A Handbook of Parish Worship