books by subject
Anthropological Customs

CultureShock! Japan (Culture Shock! Guides)

A Social History of England

The World's Strangest Foods (Library of Weird)

Christmas in France

Jerusalem (NHB Modern Plays)

An Englishman à la Campagne: Life in Deepest France

Smoke Gets in Your Eyes: And Other Lessons from the Crematorium

Curious Customs: A Guide to Customs and Festivals in the British Isles (Impact reference)

Earth Rites: Fertility Practices in Pre-industrial Britain (Paladin Books)

Coast: The Journey Continues

The Ending of Roman Britain

At Home: A Short History of Private Life

Dickens' Christmas: A Victorian Celebration

The Xmas Files. The Philosophy of Christmas

En Torno Al Casticismo

Controversy and Crisis: Studies in the History of Jews in Modern Britain: Studies in the History of the Jews in Modern Britain (Judaism and Jewish Life)

The Golden Bough: Abridged Edition (Penguin Modern Classics)

Vietnam Today: A Guide to a Nation at a Crossroads

Purity and Danger: An Analysis of the Concepts of Pollution and Taboo

Fashion: The Key Concepts

Journey into America: The Challenge of Islam

A History of the Jewish People

Understanding Fashion History

Undressing Cinema: Clothing and identity in the movies

Fashion's World Cities: v. 3 (Cultures of Consumption Series)

Fashion and Its Social Agendas: Class, Gender, and Identity in Clothing

Good to Eat: Riddles of Food and Culture

Consuming Splendor: Society and Culture in Seventeenth-Century England

Key Concepts for the Fashion Industry: Understanding Fashion