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Anthropology & Sociology Biographies

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Understanding Post-War British Society

By Peter Catterall, James Obelkevich

Method and Reflexivity: Knowing as Systemic Social Construction

By Frederick Steier

Qualitative Research in Social Work

By Edmund Sherman, William J. Reid

Death Talk: Conversations with Children and Families

By Glenda Fredman

Changing Family Life Cycle: Framework for Family Therapy

By Elizabeth A. Carter, Monica McGoldrick

Joining New Families: A Study of Adoption and Fostering in Middle Childhood

By David Quinton, Alan Rushton, Cherilyn Dance, Deborah Mayes

Family Therapy: An Overview

By Irene Goldenberg, Herbert Goldenberg

Gender and Power in Families

By Rosine Jozef Perelberg, Ann C. Miller

Women in Families: A Framework for Family Therapy

By Monica McGoldrick (Robert Wood Johnson Medical School), Carol M. Anderson, Froma Walsh

An Introduction to Social Constructionism

By Vivien Burr

The Secret Life of Families: How Secrets Shape Our Relationships and When and How to Tell the Truth

By Evan Imber-Black

Beyond White Supremacy: Towards a New Agenda for the Comparative Histories of South Africa and the United States

Human Nature: Fact and Fiction: Literature, Science and Human Nature

By Robin Headlam Wells, Professor Johnjoe McFadden

Exchanging Voices: A Collaborative Approach to Family Therapy

By Lynn Hoffman

Mind the Gap: Connecting Sunday's Faith to Monday's Work

By Richard Higginson, Taffy Davies

This Mortal Coil: A Guardian, Economist & Prospect Book of the Year

By Andrew Doig

Some Body to Love: A Family Story

By Alexandra Heminsley

Mothering as a Metaphor for Ministry

By Emma Percy

Discipline and Punish: The Birth of the Prison

By Michel Foucault

Blighty: British Society in the Era of the Great War

By Stephen Robbins, Gerard J. De Groot

No Tie Required: How the Rich Stole Golf

By Christopher Cairns

The Nature of Politics

By Roger D. Masters

The Narcissism of Minor Differences: How Europe and America are Alike

By Peter Baldwin (Professor of History, Professor of History, University of California, Los Angeles)

Why Borders Matter: Why Humanity Must Relearn the Art of Drawing Boundaries

By Frank Furedi (University of Kent, UK)

W.H.R.Rivers: Pioneer Anthropologist and Psychiatrist of the "Ghost Road"

By Richard Slobodin

Desert Dawn

By Waris Dirie

Death and the Family: Importance of Mourning

By Lily Pincus

The Birth of the Clinic

By Michel Foucault

Mothers, Young People and Chronic Illness

By Clare Williams

Anthropology and Contemporary Human Problems

By John Bodley