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Anthropology & Sociology Biographies

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LYOTARD READER (Blackwell Readers)

By Benjamin, Andrew

The Oxford Handbook of Human Resource Management (Oxford Handbooks)

By Boxall, Peter, Purcell, John, Wright, Patrick

Body Invaders: Sexuality and the Postmodern Condition (Culture texts)

By Kroker, Arthur, Marilouise

The Smell Culture Reader (Sensory Formations)

By Drobnick, Jim

Hearing Cultures: Essays on Sound, Listening and Modernity (Wenner-Gren International Symposium Series)

By Veit, Erlmann

In Other Worlds: Essays in Cultural Politics

By Spivak, Gayatri Chakravorty

Structuralist Interpretations of Biblical Myth

By Leach, Edmund

No Go the Bogeyman: Scaring, Lulling and Making Mock

By Warner, Marina

Logic of Culture: Authority and Identity in the Modern Era (New Perspectives on the Past)


Commitment and Complicity in Cultural Theory and Practice

By Firat, B., Mul, S. De, Wichelen, S. Van, De Mul, Sarah, Van Wichelen, Sonja

Portable Property: Victorian Culture on the Move

By Plotz, John

Subculture: The Meaning of Style (New Accents)

By Hebdige, Dick

Alfred Schutz on Phenomenology and Social Relations (Heritage of Sociology Series)

By Schutz, Alfred, Wagner, Helmut R.

The Postmodern Scene: Excremental Culture and Hyper-Aesthetics

By Kroker, Arthur, Cook, David

Privacy and Publicity: Modern Architecture As Mass Media (The MIT Press)

By Colomina, Beatriz

100 Journeys for the Spirit: Sacred * Inspiring * Mysterious * Enlightening

By Pico Iyer

Humanity: An Introduction to Cultural Anthropology (Thomson Advantage Books)

By Garrick A. Bailey, James Peoples

BOOK LOVE SYMBOLS (Prospero's Library)

By Bentley, Peter

Case Studies in the Developed World:Population Change: American South,The: The American South (Case Studies in the Developed World S.)

By Estall, Robert

The Catholic Families (History and Politics)

By Bence-Jones, Mr Mark

An Edible History of Humanity

By Standage, Tom

Creating Your Perfect Wedding

By Ganderton, Lucinda, Pell, Sania

Gender, Race and Class in Media: A Text-Reader

By Dines, Gail, McMahon Humez, Jean

Workbook of Epidemiology

By Norell, Staffan E.

Fertility Rights (Issues S.)

By Donnellan, Craig

Research and Statistics: A Practical Introduction for Nurses

By Hicks, Carolyn M.

The Anthropology of Breast-feeding: Natural Law or Social Construct: v. 2 (Cross-cultural Perspectives on Women)

By Maher, Vanessa

Surveys In Social Research (Social Research Today)

By De Vaus, David

Analyzing Documentary Accounts (Quantitative Applications in the Social Sciences): 128

By Hodson, Dr. Randy Dale

Understanding the Sociology of Health: An Introduction

By Barry, Anne-Marie, Yuill, Chris