books by subject
Biographies & Histories

Secrets of the Press

Karl Marx S Theory of Revolution I: State and Bureaucracy Pt. 1

Modernising India: From Ox-plough to Satellite Dish (Understanding Global Issues)

John F. Kennedy on Leadership: The Lessons and Legacy of a President

How to Make it Big as a Consultant

Kremlin Capitalism: Privatizing the Russian Economy (ILR Press Books)

The Big Three in Economics: Adam Smith, Karl Marx, and John Maynard Keynes

The Apple Revolution: Steve Jobs, the counterculture and how the crazy ones took over the world: Steve Jobs, the Counterculture and How Apple Inc. Took Over the World

Anyone Can Do It: My Story

News from the Front: War Correspondents on the Western Front: 1914-1918

Business Travel and Tourism

Global Tourism: The next decade

The Lamp Of Learning: Taylor & Francis And Two Centuries Of Publishing: Taylor and Francis and Two Centuries of Publishing

British Pigs (Shire Library)

The Snowball: Warren Buffett and the Business of Life

Jack: Straight from the Gut

Clothing: a global history: Or, the Imperialists’ New Clothes (Themes in History)

Exploring History 1400-1900: An Anthology of Primary Sources

Lifeboat V.C.: Story of Coxswain Dick Evans, B.E.M. and His Many Rescues

Byzantium (British Museum Introductory Guides)

Lords of the Rim


Leaders Eat Last: Why Some Teams Pull Together and Others Don't

The Financial Times: A Centenary History

Wedding Babylon

The Age of Elizabeth: England Under the Later Tudors, 1547-1603 (Society & Economic History of English)

Short History of the International Economy Since 1850

The Age of Plunder: England of Henry VIII, 1500-47 (Society & Economic History of English)

The Davies: Industrialization of Soviet Russia - Socialist Offensive: The Collectivisation of Soviet Agriculture, 1929-1930: 001 (The industrialisation of Soviet Russia)