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Bullying & anti - bullying strategies

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Girl Bullying (Osiris Educational Series): Do I Look Bothered?

By Dr Sam

53 Interesting Ways to Promote Equal Opportunities in Education (Interesting Ways to Teach S.)

By Lewis, Vicky, Habeshaw, Sue

Nobody Ever Told Us School Mattered: Raising the Educational Attainments of Children in Public Care

By Sonia Jackson

Making the Right Impression: The Experiences of 21 British Christian Home Educating Families

By Lyn Richards

[Leadership in Post-Compulsory Education: Inspiring Leaders of the Future] [by: Jill Jameson]

By Jill Jameson

Leading People: Learning From People (UK Higher Education OUP Humanities & Social Sciences Education OUP)

By Bell, Judith

How to Survive as a Governor in a Catholic School: A Guide for All Governors Including Priests, Parents, Teachers, Support Staff and Those Responsible for Governor Training

By Russi, Sister Judith

Organizing and Integrating the Infant Day (Education Books)

By Taylor, Joy

ICT, Pedagogy and the Curriculum: Subject to Change

By Ellis, Viv

Leadership: What's In It For Schools?

By Sergiovanni, Thomas J.

The Unfinished Revolution: Learning, Human Behaviour,Community and Political Paradox (Visions of Education S.)

By Abbott, John, Ryan, Terence, Varley, Wendy

Timesavers (Bright Ideas)

By Smith, Lynda, Lesley

Bullies and Victims in Schools

By BESAG, Valerie E.

The Quest for Quality (UK Higher Education OUP Humanities & Social Sciences Higher Education OUP)

By Goodlad, Sinclair

Key Issues for Secondary Schools

By Farrell, Michael

Helping Children Cope with Bullying (Overcoming Common Problems S.)

By Lawson, Sarah

Using Language in the Classroom (Language Education S.)

By Lemke, Jay L.

Diary of A Deputy

By Tranter, Susan M.

Observing Teaching and Learning: Principles and Practice

By Tilstone, Christina

Leading schools in times of change (UK Higher Education OUP Humanities & Social Sciences Education OUP)

By Day, Christopher

Middle Management in the Primary School: A Development Guide of Curriculum Leaders

By West, Neville

Integrating Educational Systems for Successful Reform in Diverse Contexts

By Datnow, Amanda

Coordinating English at Key Stage 1 (Subject Leaders' Handbooks)

By Gill, Narinderjit

Ready for Inspection (Learning in the Early Years S.)

By Kenyon, Pauline

Practice and Innovation (Arts in Schools S.)

By National Curriculum Council

Scottish Education in the Twentieth Century

By Paterson, Lindsay

Simulation in the Classroom

By Taylor, John, Walford, Rex

Fourteen to Eighteen: Changing Pattern of Schooling in Scotland

By Raffe, David

Organising Learning in the Primary School Classroom

By Dean, Joan


By Moore, Bill