books by subject
Business Decision Making Skills

Negotiating Cohesion, Inequality and Change: Uncomfortable Positions in Local Government

Sensemaking: What Makes Human Intelligence Essential in the Age of the Algorithm

Stronger Together: How Great Teams Work

See, Solve, Scale: How Anyone Can Turn an Unsolved Problem into a Breakthrough Success

Curation: The power of selection in a world of excess

Is That Your Card?: Control Your Thinking. Change Your Life. Improve Your Mental Health.

Scale at Speed: How to Triple the Size of Your Business and Build a Superstar Team

Uncertain Business: Risk, Insurance, and the Limits of Knowledge

Top Class Competitors: How Nations, Firms, and Individuals Succeed in the New World of Competitiveness

The Influential Mind: What the Brain Reveals About Our Power to Change Others


Sustaining Capitalism: Bipartisan Solutions to Restore Trust & Prosperity

Group Genius: The Creative Power of Collaboration

Weird Ideas That Work: 11 1/2 Practices for Promoting, Managing, and Sustaining Innovation / Robert I. Sutton.

When Sparks Fly: Igniting Creativity in Groups

Against the Gods: The Remarkable Story of Risk

Against the Gods: The Remarkable Story of Risk

Dealing With Difficult People In A Week: How To Deal With Difficult People In Seven Simple Steps

Understanding Policy Decisions

Little Book of Big Management Questions, The: The 76 most important questions and how to answer them

Analytics at Work: Smarter Decisions, Better Results

Financial Management for Decision Makers


Analysis for Investment Decisions (Modern Finance S.)


Do It! or Ditch It

The Long View: Why We Need to Transform How the World Sees Time

The Reputation Game: The Art of Changing How People See You

The Future of Work: How the New Order of Business Will Shape Your Organization, Your Management Style, and Your Life