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Cardiovascular Medicine Textbooks

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Cardiovascular Disease: Risk Factors and Intervention

By Poulter, Neil, Sever, Peter, Thom, Simon

Recent Advances in Cardiology: v. 12

By Rowlands, Derek J.

Cholesterol (Understanding)

By Laker, Mike


By Graham Jackson

Vascular Andrology: Erectile Dysfunction, Priapism and Varicocele

By Ledda, Andrea

Cardiovascular Physiology: Mosby's Physiology Monograph Series

By Robert M. Berne MD, Matthew N. Levy MD, Berne MD, Robert M., Levy MD, Matthew N.

Heart Disease and Diabetes (Oxford Biabetes Library) (Oxford Diabetes Library)

By Fisher, Miles

Heart Health at Your Fingertips: The Comprehensive and Medically Accurate Manual on How to Avoid or Overcome Coronary Heart Disease and Other Heart Conditions

By Graham Jackson, Jackson, Graham, Clarke, Michele, Woodroffe, David, Moore, Linda

Rapid ECG Interpretation

By Khan MD FRCP(London) FRCP(C) FACP FACC, M. Gabriel

Coronary Heart Disease: The Facts (Oxford Paperbacks)

By Shillingford, John Parsons

Hypertension in Focus

By Shankie, Susan

CPR Manual

By National Safety Council

Sandler/sandler: mcq's in cardiology

By Descovich, G. C.

Improving Outcomes in Chronic Heart Failure: A Practical Guide to Specialist Nurse Intervention

By Stewart, Simon, Blue, Lynda

Erectile Dysfunction and Vascular Disease

By Kirby, Michael

The ICU Book, International Edition

By Paul L. Marino MD, PhD

High Density Cholesterol, The New Target: A Clinicians Handbook

By Barter, P., Rye, K-.A.

ACE Inhibitors in Hypertension: A Guide for General Practitioners

By Strube, G.

Fast Facts: Hyperlipidemia

By Sniderman, Allan, Durrington, Paul N.

Chestnuts for the MRCP: Differential Diagnoses in Medicine

By Levy, Miles, Porter, WILLIAM

The ECG In Practice, 6e

By Hampton DM MA DPhil FRCP FFPM FESC, John

Stress Testing: Principles and Practice, 5th Edition

By Verghese, Anila H., Selvester, Ronald H. Startt, Mishkin, Frederic S.

Vital Circuits: On Pumps, Pipes, and the Workings of Circulatory Systems

By Vogel, Steven, Calvert, Rosemary Anne

Development of Cardiovascular Systems: Molecules to Organisms

By Burggren, Warren W., Keller, Bradley B., Weinstein, Constance

Cardiology Fourth Edition

By Dawkins, Keith D.; Morgan, John M.; Gray, Huon; Simpson, Iain A., Gray, Huon, K.D., Simpson A., I, Morgan, John M., Iain A. Dawkins

The Dash Diet Action Plan: Proven to Lower Blood Pressure and Cholesterol without Medication (Dash Diet Book)

By Heller MS RD, Marla

ECG Interpretation Made Incredibly Easy! (Incredibly Easy! Series)

By Springhouse

Statins in General Practice: Pocketbook

By Gaw, Allan

Excitation-Contraction Coupling and Cardiac Contractile Force: 237 (Developments in Cardiovascular Medicine, 237)

By Bers, Donald

Healing The Heart: The Complete Mind-Body Programme for Overcoming Heart Disease

By Chopra, Dr Deepak