books by subject
Children's Books on Modern & Contemporary History
Rebel Voices: The Rise of Votes for Women
Why do we remember?: The Great Fire of London
The World Wars
Beyond the Call of Duty: Bravery in World War II (The National Archives)
What They Don't Tell You About: World War I
Moments in History: Why did World War I happen?
Did Anything Good Come Out of... WWI?
The Oxford Children's History of the World
1930s (I Can Remember)
Ladybird Histories: Tudors and Stuarts
I am a Wonder Woman: Inspiring activities to try. Incredible women to discover.
Can I Come Home, Please?: The Second World War - By the Children Who Lived Through it
Fire! Fire!
The First World War Sticker History Book
Who Was: Samuel Pepys?
Queen of Freedom: Defending Jamaica
Treasure Island (Penguin Classics)
The Yellow Star
Story of the Second World War
Who Marched for Civil Rights?
Martin Luther King
The Stuarts: A Heroes History of
The Blitz
My Uncle's Dunkirk
The 1960s
The 1950s
Lord of the Nutcracker Men
The Gruesome Truth About: The Victorians