books by subject
Children's Books on Modern & Contemporary History

All About Henry VIII

Life on the Western Front

Lily and the Lissadell Ghost: World Book Day 2021


The Tudors

The Spanish Armada

War Children: Stories from Ireland's War of Independence

A Winter of Spies: Ireland's War of Independence: when the truth can get you killed

Great Events: The Battle Of Britain

Rugby (Great Sporting Events)


Second World War

Modern Times

A Day That Changed History: The Assassination of John F Kennedy

Churchill: His Finest Hours


Horrible Histories Special: Scotland

Horrible Histories Gory Stories: Tower of Terror

The Mysterious Life of Dr Barry: A Surgeon Unlike Any Other

The Tudors

Tudors (Children in History)

Elizabeth I

Walter Tull's Scrapbook

Charles Dickens

Alexander Graham Bell: Giving Voice to the World

[(Chinese Cinderella: The Mystery of the Song Dynasty Painting)] [By (author) Adeline Yen Mah] published on (August, 2009)

My True Story: Hero at Dunkirk

Tell Me What You Remember: Sport

Ireland: The People, The Places, The Stories