books by subject

the scarecrow

No Second Chance

Tabby Mctat

Tabby McTat

Tabby McTat

Good Me Bad Me

Law Express: Criminology (Revision Guide)

Moral Panics 2nd edition: The Social Construction of Deviance

Psychology in Probation Services (Forensic Practice series)

Applying Psychology Forensic Practice (Forensic Practice series)

Psychology in Prisons (Forensic Practice series)

Women, Crime and Justice in England since 1660 (Gender and History)

An Introduction to Criminology and Criminal Justice

News of a Kidnapping (Vintage International)

Cybercrimes: Critical Issues in a Global Context

Cybercrimes: Critical Issues in a Global Context

Introduction to Forensic and Criminal Psychology

Autonomous (International Edition)

I, Spy

Ruthless: Scientology, My Son David Miscavige, and Me

Great Debates in Gender and Law (Great Debates in Law)

Critical Statistics: Seeing Beyond the Headlines

Penology: Theory, Policy and Practice

Understanding Street Culture: Poverty, Crime, Youth and Cool

Criminology Book One for the WJEC Level 3 Applied Certificate & Diploma

Policing the Crisis: Mugging, the State and Law and Order

Punishment in Europe: A Critical Anatomy of Penal Systems (Palgrave Studies in Prisons and Penology)

Welcome to Hell: One Man's Fight For Life Inside The Bangkok Hilton

Understanding Street Culture: Poverty, Crime, Youth and Cool