books by subject
Economic Theory & Philosophy
The Silo Effect: Why putting everything in its place isn't such a bright idea
Economic Calculation and Forms of Property
Economy and Society
Redesigning Distribution: Basic Income and Stakeholder Grants as Cornerstones for an Egalitarian Capitalism
Capitalism and Freedom - Fortieth Anniversary Edition
Wealth of Nations
A Theory of Economic History
Riches and Poverty: An Intellectual History of Political Economy in Britain, 1750-1834
Economic Justice
Now the Synthesis: New Economic Model
Economies of Abandonment: Social Belonging and Endurance in Late Liberalism
Future Wealth
Chinas Economic Revoluton
The Shifts and the Shocks: What we've learned - and have still to learn - from the financial crisis
50 Economics Classics: Your shortcut to the most important ideas on capitalism, finance, and the global economy
Theories of Development, Third Edition: Contentions, Arguments, Alternatives
The Moral Molecule: the new science of what makes us good or evil
Recent Developments in Institutional Economics
The Value Of Nothing: How to Reshape Market Society and Redefine Democracy
Stigma: The Machinery of Inequality
Class Dynamics of Agrarian Change
Edible Economics: The World in 17 Dishes
Black Hole Tariffs and Endogenous Policy Theory: Political Economy in General Equilibrium
Currencies and Crises
Methods of Dynamic Economics
Dynamic Economics: Optimization by the Lagrange Method
The End of Economic Man: Principles of Any Future Economics
The Handbook of Economic Sociology