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Educational Strategies & Policies

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The Years That Matter Most

By Tough, Paul

Diversity & Difference in Childhood, 2nd Edition

By Robinson

Attention-Grabbing Starters & Plenaries for Teachers: 99 Outrageously Engaging Activities to Increase Student Participation and Make Learning Fun (Needs-Focused Teaching Resource)

By Plevin, Rob

Classroom Management Success in 7 days or less: The Ultra-Effective Classroom Management System for Teachers (Needs-Focused Teaching Resource)

By Plevin, Rob

Childcare markets: Can They Deliver an Equitable Service?

By Eva Lloyd, Helen Penn

Critical Dispositions: Evidence and Expertise in Education

By Dimitriadis, Greg

Academic Advising: A Comprehensive Handbook (Higher education series)

By Gordon, Virginia N., Habley, Wesley R.

Reflecting on Faith Schools: A Contemporary Project and Practice in a Multi-Cultural Society (Spirituality in Education)

By Johnson, Helen

Preference Organisation and Peer Disputes: How Young Children Resolve Conflict (Directions in Ethnomethodology and Conversation Analysis)

By Church, Amelia

The Adult Dyslexic: Interventions and Outcomes (Dyslexia)

By McLoughlin, David

Becoming a School Consultant: Lessons Learned (Consultation, Supervision, and Professional Learning in School Psychology Series)

By Rosenfield, Sylvia

Strategic Curriculum Change in Universities: Global Trends (Research into Higher Education)

By Blackmore, Paul

Adult Education and Lifelong Learning: Theory and Practice

By Jarvis, Peter

Grading Student Achievement in Higher Education: Signals and Shortcomings (Key Issues in Higher Education)

By Yorke, Mantz

Teaching Social Work Practice: A Programme of Exercises and Activities Towards the Practice Teaching Award

By Doel, Mark, Shardlow, Steven, Sawdon, David

Gender and Lifelong Learning: Critical Feminist Engagements

By Leathwood, Carole, Francis, Becky

The Pedagogy of Lifelong Learning: Understanding Effective Teaching and Learning in Diverse Contexts

By Osborne, Michael

Assessing Student Learning in Africa (Directions in Development)

By Vincent Greaney, Thomas Kellaghan

Counseling 21st Century Students for Optimal College and Career Readiness: A 9th-12th Grade Curriculum

By Fitzpatrick, Corine, Costantini, Kathleen

Target Language, Collaborative Learning and Autonomy: 5 (Modern Language in Practice)

By Macaro, Ernesto

Beyond Quality in Early Childhood Education and Care: Languages of evaluation (Routledge Education Classic Edition)

By Dahlberg, Gunilla

Policy Issues in the Early Years (Critical Issues in the Early Years)

By Linda Miller, Denise Hevey, Hevey, Denise

The Equality Act for Educational Professionals: A Simple Guide to Disability Inclusion in Schools (David Fulton / Nasen)

By Grant, Moyra, Hills, Geraldine

The Happy Child: Changing the Heart of Education

By Harrison, Steven

Bandwidth Recovery: Helping Students Reclaim Cognitive Resources Lost to Poverty, Racism, and Social Marginalization

By Verschelden, Cia

The Child's World: The Comprehensive Guide to Assessing Children in Need Second Edition

By horwath-jan, Gilligan, Robbie, Gill, Owen, Glaser, Danya, Gordon, Rosemary, Holland, Sally, Horwath, Jan, Howes, Norma, Howe, David, Hendry, Enid, Hart, Di, Marchant, Ruth, Jones, David P.H., Jack, Morrison, Tony, Print, Bobby, Phillips, Melanie, Weeks, Mar...

Essential Readings on Motivation

By Malloy, Jacquelynn A

Education, Policy and Social Justice: Learning and Skills (Continuum Studies in Lifelong Learning)

By Avis, James

Intercultural and Multicultural Education: Enhancing Global Interconnectedness: 39 (Routledge Research in Education)

By Grant, Carl A., Portera, Agostino

Cultivating Humanity – A Classical Defence of Reform in Liberal Education: Classical Defense of Reform in Liberal Education

By Nussbaum, Martha