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Egyptian History

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Ancient Egyptian Princess

By Jacqueline Morley, Nicholas Hewetson

What Makes Civilization?: The Ancient Near East and the Future of the West

By David Wengrow

Cursed Victory: A History of Israel and the Occupied Territories, 1967 to the Present

By Ahron Bregman

The Oxford History of Ancient Egypt

By Ian Shaw

Wretched Kush: Ethnic Identities and Boundries in Egypt's Nubian Empire

By Stuart Tyson Smith

The Myths and Mythology of Ancient Egypt

By Lucia Gahlin

African Philosophy During the Period of the Pharaohs 2780-330 Bce

Cairo: Memoir of a City Transformed

By Ahdaf Soueif

Making the Arab World: Nasser, Qutb, and the Clash That Shaped the Middle East

By Fawaz A. Gerges

How to Read Egyptian Hieroglyphs : A step-by-step guide to teach yourself

By Mark Collier and Bill Manley

The Oxford History of Ancient Egypt

Alexandria:Past, Present and Future: "Past, Present and Future"

By Jean-Yves Empereur

The History and Religious Heritage of Old Cairo: Its Fortress, Churches, Synagogue, and Mosque

By Carolyn Ludwig, Sherif Sonbol

Lord Cromer: Victorian Imperialist, Edwardian Proconsul

By Roger Owen (, A. J. Meyer Professor of Middle East History, Harvard University)

Egyptology at the Dawn of the Twenty-first Century: Proceedings of the Eighth International Congress of Egyptologists, Cairo, 2000: v. 2

By Zahi A. Hawass, Lyla Pinch Brock

The Pyramid Builder: Cheops, the Pharaoh Behind the Great Pyramid

By Christine El-Mahdy

A Poisonous Thorn in Our Hearts: Sudan and South Sudan's Bitter and Incomplete Divorce

By James Copnall

The Rise and Fall of Alexandria: Birthplace of the Modern Mind

By Justin Pollard, HOWARD REID

Imperial Boundary Maki: The Diary of Captain Kelly and the Sudan-Uganda Boundary Commission of 1913

By G. H. Blake

The Rosetta Stone: The Story of the Decoding of Hieroglyphics

By Dominique Valbelle, Robert Sole

Harem Years: The Memoirs of an Egyptian Feminist, 1879-1924

By Huda Shaarawi, Margot Badran

Secret Chamber - The Quest For The Hall Of Records

By Robert Bauval

The Search for Cleopatra

By Michael Foss

Soldiers, Spies, and Statesmen: Egypt's Road to Revolt

By Hazem Kandil

Inside Egypt: The Road to Revolution in the Land of the Pharaohs

By John R. Bradley

When Boundaries Become Borders: The Impact of Boundary-making in Southern Sudan's Frontier Zones

By Douglas H. Johnson

Britain and the Suez Crisis

By David Carlton

Social Science Organisation and Policy: Belgium, Chile, Egypt, Hungary, Nigeria, Sri Lanka 1st Series

Black Athena Revisited

By Guy MacLean Rogers

Ancient Egypt

By Andrew Haslam, Kate Graham