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Egyptian History

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Egypt as a Woman: Nationalism, Gender, and Politics

By Beth Baron

The Little Book of Egyptian Hieroglyphs

By Lesley Adkins, Roy A. Adkins

Egyptian Mummies: People from the Past

By Delia Pemberton

Ancient Egypt

By Jane Shuter

Echoes in the Shadow of the Pyramids

By Malek, Jaromir, Forman, Werner

Pharaoh's Tomb

By Jim Pipe

The Amazing World of Mummies: Discover the Fascinating World of Mummies, Tombs, Mysterious Gods and Treasure Troves

By Fiona MacDonald, Anne Millard

Tutankhamun and the Golden Age of the Pharaohs: Official Companion Book to the Exhibition sponsored by National Geographic

By Zahi Hawass

Predynastic Egypt

By Barbara Adams

Lost Nationalism: Revolution, Memory and Anti-colonial Resistance in Sudan

By Elena Vezzadini

An Introduction to Egyptology

By Putnam, James

Digging Deeper into the Past: The Egyptians (Paperback)

By John James

Ancient Egypt

By Nature Company, George Hart

The Waters of the Nile: Hydropolitics and the Jonglei Canal, 1900-1988

By Robert O. Collins (Professor of History, Professor of History, University of California at Santa Barbara)

Francis Frith in Egypt and Palestine: A Victorian Photographer Abroad

By Douglas R. Nickel

God's Terrorists

By Charles Allen

Writing Signs: The Fatimid Public Text

By Irene A. Bierman

Egyptian Decorative Art

By W.M. Flinders Petrie

The Coptic Question in the Mubarak Era

By Sebastian Elsasser (Assistant Professor, Institute of Oriental and Islamic Studies, Assistant Professor, Christian-Albrechts-Universitat Kiel, Kiel, Germany)

Towards a Shi'i Mediterranean Empire: Fatimid Egypt and the Founding of Cairo

By Shainool Jiwa (Institute of Ismaili Studies, London, UK)

Egypt: How A Lost Civilisation Was Rediscovered

By Joyce Tyldesley

The Book of the Pharaohs

By Pascal Vernus, Jean Yoyotte

'Brothers' or Others?: Propriety and Gender for Muslim Arab Sudanese in Egypt

By Anita H. Fabos

An Imam in Paris: Account of a Stay in France by an Egyptian Cleric (1826-1831)

By Rifa'a Al-Tahtawi, Daniel L. Newman

Islam without Fear: Egypt and the New Islamists

By Raymond William Baker

Tweets from Tahrir: Egypt's Revolution as it Unfolded, in the Words of the People Who Made it

By Alex Nunns, Nadia Idle

The Society of the Muslim Brothers

By Richard P. Mitchell (late Professor of Near Eastern History, late Professor of Near Eastern History, University of Michigan), John O. Voll (Professor, Professor, University of New Hampshire)


By Montet, Pierre


By Marc Tyler Nobleman

British-Egyptian Relations from Suez to the Present Day

By Ayman Ahmed El-Desouky, Noel Brehony