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Electronics & Telecommunications Engineering

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Modeling and Control of Magnetic Fluid Deformable Mirrors for Adaptive Optics Systems

By Wu, Zhizheng, Iqbal, Azhar, Ben Amara, Foued

Autonomous Systems – Self-Organization, Management, and Control: Proceedings of the 8th International Workshop held at Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China, October 6-7, 2008

By Mahr, Bernd, Sheng, Huanye

Product Engineering: Tools and Methods Based on Virtual Reality: 35 (Intelligent Systems, Control and Automation: Science and Eng)

By Talaba, Doru, Amditis, Angelos

Motion and Vibration Control: Selected Papers from MOVIC 2008

By Ulbrich, Heinz, Ginzinger, Lucas

Advances in Robot Kinematics: Analysis and Design

By Lenarčič, Jadran, Wenger, Philippe

Viability of Hybrid Systems: A Controllability Operator Approach: 55 (Intelligent Systems, Control and Automation: Science and Engineering, 55)

By Labinaz, G., Guay, M.

On Integrating Unmanned Aircraft Systems into the National Airspace System: Issues, Challenges, Operational Restrictions, Certification, and ... and Automation: Science and Engineering, 54)

By Dalamagkidis, Konstantinos, Valavanis, Kimon P., Piegl, Les A.

Automotive Mechatronics: Operational and Practical Issues: Volume II: 52 (Intelligent Systems, Control and Automation: Science and Engineering, 52)

By Fijalkowski, B. T.

Interfacing PIC Microcontrollers to Peripherial Devices: 49 (Intelligent Systems, Control and Automation: Science and Engineering, 49)

By Borowik, Bohdan

Spatio-Temporal Modeling of Nonlinear Distributed Parameter Systems: A Time/Space Separation Based Approach: 50 (Intelligent Systems, Control and Automation: Science and Engineering, 50)

By Li, Han-Xiong, Qi, Chenkun

Intelligent Surveillance Systems: 51 (Intelligent Systems, Control and Automation: Science and Engineering, 51)

By Qian, Huihuan, Wu, Xinyu, Xu, Yangsheng

Automotive Mechatronics: Operational and Practical Issues: Volume I: 47 (Intelligent Systems, Control and Automation: Science and Engineering, 47)

By Fijalkowski, B. T.

Controller Tuning with Evolutionary Multiobjective Optimization: A Holistic Multiobjective Optimization Design Procedure: 85 (Intelligent Systems, Control and Automation: Science and Engineering, 8...

By Reynoso Meza, Gilberto, Blasco Ferragud, Xavier, Sanchis Saez, Javier, Herrero Durá, Juan Manuel

Motion Control of Underactuated Mechanical Systems: 88 (Intelligent Systems, Control and Automation: Science and Engineering, 88)

By Moreno-Valenzuela, Javier, Aguilar-Avelar, Carlos

Satellite Formation Flying: Relative Dynamics, Formation Design, Fuel Optimal Maneuvers and Formation Maintenance: 87 (Intelligent Systems, Control and Automation: Science and Engineering, 87)

By Wang, Danwei, Wu, Baolin, Poh, Eng Kee

Control and Decision Strategies in Wastewater Treatment Plants for Operation Improvement: 86 (Intelligent Systems, Control and Automation: Science and Engineering, 86)

By Santin, Ignacio, Pedret, Carles, Vilanova, Ramon

Robot Mechanisms: 60 (Intelligent Systems, Control and Automation: Science and Engineering, 60)

By Lenarčič, Jadran, Bajd, Tadej, Stanišić, Michael M.

Lighter than Air Robots: Guidance and Control of Autonomous Airships: 58 (Intelligent Systems, Control and Automation: Science and Engineering, 58)

By Bestaoui Sebbane, Yasmina

Liquid Crystal Colloids (Soft and Biological Matter)

By Muševič, Igor

Stabilization of Switched Nonlinear Systems with Unstable Modes: 9 (Studies in Systems, Decision and Control, 9)

By Yang, Hao, Jiang, Bin, Cocquempot, Vincent

Field and Service Robotics: Results of the 5th International Conference: 25 (Springer Tracts in Advanced Robotics, 25)

By Corke, Peter, Sukkarieh, Salah

New Trends in Optical Soliton Transmission Systems: 5 (Solid-State Science and Technology Library)

By Hasegawa, Akira

Multibody Dynamics: Computational Methods and Applications: 28 (Computational Methods in Applied Sciences, 28)

By Samin, Jean-Claude, Fisette, Paul

Multibody Dynamics: Computational Methods and Applications: 35 (Computational Methods in Applied Sciences, 35)

By Terze, Zdravko

Machine Medical Ethics: 74 (Intelligent Systems, Control and Automation: Science and Engineering, 74)

By van Rysewyk, Simon Peter, Pontier, Matthijs

International Technology Robotics Applications: Proceedings of the 2nd INTERA Conference, held in Oviedo, Spain, March 2013: 70 (Intelligent Systems, ... and Automation: Science and Engineering, 70...

By González Alonso, Ignacio

Mixed Reality and Human-Robot Interaction: 47 (Intelligent Systems, Control and Automation: Science and Engineering, 47)

By Wang, Xiangyu

Linear and Nonlinear Control of Small-Scale Unmanned Helicopters: 45 (Intelligent Systems, Control and Automation: Science and Engineering, 45)

By Raptis, Ioannis A., Valavanis, Kimon P.

Cognitive Architectures: 94 (Intelligent Systems, Control and Automation: Science and Engineering, 94)

By Aldinhas Ferreira, Maria Isabel, Silva Sequeira, Joao, Ventura, Rodrigo

Cyber Security: Power and Technology: 93 (Intelligent Systems, Control and Automation: Science and Engineering, 93)

By Lehto, Martti, Neittaanmäki, Pekka