books by subject
Electronics & Telecommunications Engineering

BTEC Level 3 National Engineering Student Book

EMC at Component and PCB Level

A Different Universe: Reinventing Physics from the Bottom Down

Computational Principles of Mobile Robotics

Logic and Computer Design Fundamentals

Talking to Robots: How Humans and Machines Will Live Together in the Future

Vegan Mug Cakes: 40 Easy Cakes to Make in a Microwave

The Battle of the Beams: The secret science of radar that turned the tide of the Second World War

The Everything Blueprint: The Microchip Design that Changed the World

Elsevier's Dictionary of Microelectronics

The New Politics of Surveillance and Visibility

VCR Fault Finding Guide

Sams Teach Yourself Upgrading and Fixing PCs in 24 Hours, Second Edition

PC Repair Bench Book

How Electronic Things Work. . .And What to Do When They Don't

Talking to Robots: A Brief Guide to Our Human-Robot Futures

Electric Circuit Analysis

The Penguin Dictionary of Telecommunications

Audio Amplifier Construction

Electronic Modules and Systems for Beginners

Acoustics and Psychoacoustics

Feedback Control Systems

Bacterial Evasion of Host Immune Responses

Digital Electronics: A Primer - Introductory Logic Circuit Design

Electronic Board Games

Fifty Simple Light Emitting Diode Circuits: Bk. 1

Smart Mems And Sensor Systems

You Are What You Read

Discrete-time Stochastic Systems: Estimation and Control