books by subject
Electronics & Telecommunications Engineering

Introduction to Switching Theory and Logical Design

Art of Electronics

Python for Probability, Statistics, and Machine Learning

Audio! Audio!: Hi-fi Spotter's Guide to Classic British Valve Amplifiers

How to Build Speaker Enclosures

Communication and Identity: Pt. 3: Block 2

PIC in Practice: An Introduction to the PIC Microcontroller

Digital Electronics

Nanotechnology for Electronic Materials and Devices

Dictionary of Ceramic Science and Engineering

MOSFET and GaN FET application handbook: A Power Design Engineer's Guide

Arduino Workshop

Practical Electronic Filters

Qrp Power: The Best Recent Qrp Articles from Qst, Qex, and the Arrl Handbook

Fifty Circuits Using Germanium Silicon and Zener Diodes

Interfacing PIC Microcontrollers to Peripherial Devices: 49 (Intelligent Systems, Control and Automation: Science and Engineering, 49)

Introductory Semiconductor Device Physic

Robot Vision: New Research

Robot: The Future of Flesh And Machines

Dynamical System Models

Introduction to Signal Processing: International Edition

An Introduction to Antenna Theory: 198 (Bernard Babani Publishing Radio & Electronics Books)

How to Design and Make Your Own PCBs

50 Simple LED Circuits, Book 2

Integrated Circuit Projects for Beginners

Principles of Communication Systems

Common-Channel Signalling (Telecommunications)

ISDN Technology

Digital Communications