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Venous Disease: Epidemiology, Management and Delivery of Care

By Ruckley, Charles V., Fowkes, Francis G.R., Bradbury, Andrew W.

Health, Disease and Society: Introduction to Medical Geography

By Jones, Kelvyn, Moon, Graham

Modelling Potential Malaria Spread in Germany by Use of Climate Change Projections: A Risk Assessment Approach Coupling Epidemiologic and ... (SpringerBriefs in Environmental Science)

By Schröder, Winfried, Schmidt, Gunther

Rare Diseases Epidemiology

Handbook of Cancer Survivorship

By Michael Feuerstein

Handbook of Epidemiology

By Ahrens, Wolfgang, Pigeot, Iris

Handbook of Disease Burdens and Quality of Life Measures (Springer Reference)

By Preedy, Victor R., Watson, Ronald. R

Making Sense of Data: A Self-instruction Manual on the Interpretation of Epidemiological Data

By Abramson, Joseph

The epidemiological approach

By Wald, Nicholas J.

Infection and Immunity

By Playfair, John, Bancroft, Gregory

The Epidemiology of Eye Disease

By Johnson, Gordon J., Weale, Robert, Minassian, Darwin C.

The Interpretation and Uses of Medical Statistics

By Daly

Tuberculosis in the United Kingdom: A Tale of Two Nations

By Surinder Bakhshi

Modern Infectious Disease Epidemiology, Second Edition

By Giesecke, Johan

Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Preventive Medicine: With STUDENT CONSULT Online Access, 3e

By Jekel MD MPH, James F., Katz MD MPH, David L., Wild MD MPH Dr. Med, Dorothea, Elmore MD MPH, Joann G.

The Environment and Health Atlas for England and Wales

By Hansell, A.L., Beale, L. A., Ghosh, R.E., Fortunato, L., Fecht, D., Järup, Elliott, P.

Design and Analysis of Cross-Over Trials, Second Edition (Chapman & Hall/CRC Monographs on Statistics & Applied Probability)

By Jones, Byron, Kenward, Michael G.

The Tobacco Atlas

By Mackay, Judith, Eriksen, Michael P

Our Malady: Lessons in Liberty and Solidarity

By Snyder, Timothy

Deadly River: Cholera and Cover-Up in Post-Earthquake Haiti (The Culture and Politics of Health Care Work)

By Ralph R. Frerichs

Clinical Epidemiology

By Fletcher, Robert H., Suzanne W., Wagner, Edward H.

Grondslagen der epidemiologie

By Vandenbroucke, J.P. P., Hofman, A., van Stiphout, W.A.H.J.


By Michael Hills and Bianca L. De Stavola

Physical Activity And Cardiov

By Peter Kokkinos

Biostatistics for Epidemiologists

By Ahlbom, Anders

Epidemiology and Health Services

By Armenian, Shapiro, H., Haroutune K.

Social Causes of Health and Disease

By Cockerham, William C

Statistical Methods for Healthcare Research

By Munro, Barbara Hazard, Page, Ellis Batten

Research Methods in Community Medicine: Surveys, Epidemiological Research, Programme Evaluation, Clinical Trials, 6th Edition

By Abramson, J. H.

Molecular epidemiology: principles and practices: 163 (IARC scientific publication)

By Rothman, N., International Agency for Research on Cancer, World Health Organization