books by subject
Explore the World Books for Children

Tales of Gods and Men (Tales From & Collections)

Hugh O'Flaherty: The Irish Priest Who Resisted the Nazis

Esperanza Rising

Mother Teresa: A Life of Caring Pull-Ahead Biographies

Go To Town (Melrose and Croc)

Come Over to my House (Beginner Series)

Sweet Clara and the Freedom Quilt

Dat's New Year (Celebrations!)

Lewis Hamilton (Sport Files)

Golden Myths and Legends of the World

The Barefoot Book of Animal Tales from Around the World

Stone Robbers (Shades)

Making It Home: A Child's-eye View of Life as a Refugee

Poetry Jump-up: An Anthology of Black Poetry

Brother Eagle, Sister Sky: A Message from Chief Seattle (Picture Puffin)

Mini Greek Myths for Young Children (Mini Usborne Classics S.)

Stories From The Amazon (Multicultural Stories)

The Kingfisher Book of Tales from Russia

Children Around the World (Start Reading S.)

Everything Weather: Facts, Photos, and Fun that Will Blow You Away (Everything)

Horrible Geography of the World

Mice in the City: Around the World

The Children's Picture Atlas in Colour

Charlie Hernandez & the Castle of Bones: Volume 2



True Spy Stories (Usborne True Stories)