Hidden Figures Young Readers' Edition
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- Books2Africa Collection
- Subjects
- Children & Young Adult Biographies
- Scientist Biographies
- Women's Biographies
- Children's Books on Maths
- Children's Books on Astronomy
- Biographies of Women for Children
- Exploring the United States for Children
- Teaching & Learning Biographies
- Activity Books for Children
- Children's Books on Games
- Children's Nonfiction on Girls' & Women's Issues
- Children's Books on Animals
- Children's Books on Physics
- Children's Books on Computers & Technology
- Science & Technology Biographies for Children
- Explore the World Books for Children
- Astronomy & Cosmology Education
- Mathematics Teaching Aids
- Nature Education
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- Author(s)
- Published
- Publisher
- HarperCollins
- ISBN-10
- 9780062662378
- ISBN-13
- 9780062662378
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