books by subject
Feminist Criticism

Introducing a Practical Feminist Theology of Worship: 5 (Introductions in Feminist Theology)

Bodies That Matter: On the Discursive Limits of Sex (Routledge Classics)

Gender Trouble: Feminism and the Subversion of Identity (Routledge Classics)

Feminism and Theatre (New directions in theatre)

EMOTIONAL HEALING IN MINUTES: Simple Acupressure Techniques For Your Emotions

The Whole Woman

Manifesto: A radically honest and inspirational memoir from the Booker Prize winning author of Girl, Woman, Other

Overloaded: Popular Culture and the Future of Feminism

A Room of One's Own, and Three Guineas (Oxford World's Classics)

TheWorld's Wife by Duffy, Carol Ann ( Author ) ON Sep-08-2000, Paperback

About Chinese Women

Luce Irigaray: Philosophy in the Feminine

After Foucault

Female Sexualization: A Collective Work of Memory (Questions for feminism)

Metamorphoses: Towards a Materialist Theory of Becoming (Short Introductions)

Mary and Maria, Matilda (Penguin Classics)

Ventriloquized Voices: Feminist Theory and English Renaissance Texts

Joyce & Feminism

In Other Worlds: Essays in Cultural Politics

Sea Changes: Culture and Feminism (Questions for feminism)

New French Feminisms

Still Crazy After All These Years: Women, Writing and Psychoanalysis

Contemporary Cultural Theory: An Introduction

Murder by the Book: Feminism and the Crime Novel (Narrative Forms and Social Formation)

The Ends of History: Victorians and the Woman Question

Sexual/Textual Politics: Feminist Literary Theory (New Accents)

Black Women, Writing and Identity: Migrations of the Subject

The Life and Death of Mary Wollstonecraft

Women, Policy and Politics: The Construction of Policy Problems