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Feminist Criticism

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Film and Female Consciousness: Irigaray, Cinema and Thinking Women

By Lucy Bolton

Feminist Counselling in Action

By Chaplin, Jocelyn

An Analysis of Sandra M. Gilbert and Susan Gubar’s The Madwoman in the Attic: The Woman Writer and the Nineteenth-Century Literary Imagination (The Macat Library)

By Pohl, Rebecca

Cows in the Corn (Hardback)

By Joyce Fussey

No Turning Back: A History Of Feminism

By Estelle B Freedman

Feminist Perspectives in Therapy: An Empowerment Model for Women (Wiley Series in Psychotherapy and Counselling)

By Worell, Judith, Remer, Pamela

Introducing Feminist Theology (Feminist Theology S.)

By Isherwood, Lisa, McEwan, Dorothea

Feminist Theory and the Philosophies of Man

By Nye, Andrea

Women and Soap Opera: A Study of Prime Time Soaps (Social Psychology and Society)

By Geraghty, Christine

Beyond Feminist Aesthetics: Feminist Literature and Social Change (Radius Books)

By Felski, Rita

Orgasmology (Next Wave: New Directions in Women's Studies)

By Jagose, Annamarie

The Language of James Joyce (Language of Literature S.)

By Wales, Katie, Scott, Geoff

A Reader's Guide to Contemporary Literary Theory

By Selden, Raman, Widdowson, Peter

Men in Feminism

By Jardine, Alice, Smith, Paul

Thinking Through the Skin (Transformations)

By Ahmed, Sara, Stacey, Jackie

The Gendered Cyborg: A Reader (D857 Gender, Technology and Representa)

By Hovenden, Fiona, Janes, Linda, Kirkup, Gill, Woodward, Kathryn

Reflecting on "The Bell Jar" (Heroines? series)

By Pat MacPherson, Sylvia Plath

The Female Persuasion: Meg Wolitzer

By Wolitzer, Meg

Work Like a Woman: A Manifesto For Change

By Portas, Mary

The Psychology of Gender

By Eagly, Alice H., Beall, Anne E., Sternberg, Robert J.

The Princessa: Machiavelli for Women

By Rubin, Harriet

On Not Being Able To Sleep: Psychoanalysis and the Modern World

By Rose, Jacqueline

Imagine There's No Woman: Ethics and Sublimation

By Copjec, Joan

Psychoanalysis and....

By Feldstein, Richard, Sussman, Henry

Freud's Women: Family, Patients, Followers

By Appignanesi, Lisa, Forrester, John

The Emptiness of the Image: Psychoanalysis and Sexual Differences

By Adams, Parveen

Self and History: A Tribute to Linda Nochlin

By D'Souza, Aruna

Against White Feminism

By Zakaria, Rafia

Eve: A Biography

By Norris, Pamela

Women, Art & Society 3rd Ed. Woa (World of Art)

By Chadwick