books by subject

Lire, Imaginer, Composer: Short Stories from the Francophone World

Dossiers sur la France

Droit au But!: Teacher's Book

Tout Droit!: Teachers' Book

Pocket French Dictionary

Grammar of Present Day French

Le Robert Illustre and Dixel 2014 (Dictionary Cum Encyclopedia): 2014

Collins-Robert Comprehensive French-English Dictionary: v. 2: English-French

Oxford Quick Reference French Dictionary

The Cat in the Hat in English and French

Easy French Storybook: Little Red Riding Hood (Book + Audio CD)


French Vocabulary

Ratus Poche: La grosse betise de Ratus

Annexe 1: Annexe Level 1 (Formule X)

Hamlyn English-French, French-English Dictionary

Nouvelle Grammaire du Francais (Cours de Civilisation de la Sorbonne)

Nouvelle Grammaire du Francais (Cours de Civilisation de la Sorbonne)

Activites: Ecrire pour convaincre - corriges

The Oxford-Hachette French Dictionary

French Grammar and Usage

Communicating In French (Advanced Level)

Exercons-nous: 350 exercices - vocabulaire illustre - corriges - niveau mo

Exercons-Nous: 350 Exercices - Vocabulaire Illustre - Niveau Moyen

La Grande Imagerie Fleurus: LA Guerre 1939-1945

The Penguin French Newsreader

Studio 3 Rouge Teacher Guide New Edition

Ca se Dit et Ca s'Ecrit

Exam Grade Booster: GCSE French