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Lire, Imaginer, Composer: Short Stories from the Francophone World

By Sheila Barbour, Jenny Ollerenshaw, Sue Ollerenshaw

Dossiers sur la France

By Volker Borbein, Kaj Heurlin

Droit au But!: Teacher's Book

By David Mort, Theresa Slack, Rod Hares

Tout Droit!: Teachers' Book

By David Mort, etc., Theresa Slack, Rod Hares (Director of Studies, Modern Languages, New College, Pontefract)

Pocket French Dictionary

By Dictionary

Grammar of Present Day French

By Mansion, J.E.

Le Robert Illustre and Dixel 2014 (Dictionary Cum Encyclopedia): 2014

Collins-Robert Comprehensive French-English Dictionary: v. 2: English-French

Oxford Quick Reference French Dictionary

By Dora Carpenter, Edwin Carpenter

The Cat in the Hat in English and French

By Dr. Seuss

Easy French Storybook: Little Red Riding Hood (Book + Audio CD)

By Ana Lomba


By Jill Duffy

French Vocabulary

By Christopher Kendris

Ratus Poche: La grosse betise de Ratus

By Magdalena, Pauwels, Jess

Annexe 1: Annexe Level 1 (Formule X)

By Pillette, Martine

Hamlyn English-French, French-English Dictionary

By Hamlyn

Nouvelle Grammaire du Francais (Cours de Civilisation de la Sorbonne)

By Yvonne Delatour, Dominique Jennepin, Maylis Leon-Dufour

Nouvelle Grammaire du Francais (Cours de Civilisation de la Sorbonne)

By Yvonne Delatour, Dominique Jennepin, Maylis Leon-Dufour

Activites: Ecrire pour convaincre - corriges

By Gerard Vigner

The Oxford-Hachette French Dictionary

French Grammar and Usage

By Richard Towell (University of Salford, UK), Roger Hawkins (The University of Essex

Communicating In French (Advanced Level)

By Conrad Schmitt

Exercons-nous: 350 exercices - vocabulaire illustre - corriges - niveau mo

By Yves Calarnou, Stephane Marchand

Exercons-Nous: 350 Exercices - Vocabulaire Illustre - Niveau Moyen

By Collective

La Grande Imagerie Fleurus: LA Guerre 1939-1945

The Penguin French Newsreader

By Ian MacDonald

Studio 3 Rouge Teacher Guide New Edition

By Tracy Traynor

Ca se Dit et Ca s'Ecrit

By Kate Beeching, Isabelle le Guilloux

Exam Grade Booster: GCSE French

By Liam Porritt


By Chris Ramsey