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Expo AQA GCSE French Foundation Student Book, 2nd edition

By Bell, Clive, McNab, Rosi

French for Cats

By Henry Beard

En Bonne Forme

By Simone Renaud Dietiker, Dominique Van Hoof

French Dictionary of Synonyms

By Emile Genouvrier

Collins Easy Learning French Dictionary

Encore Tricolore Nouvelle 2 Grammar in Action Pack (x8)

By S Honnor, H Mascie-Taylor

GCSE French for OCR Foundation Exam Skills Workbook & CD-ROM

By Danièle Bourdais, Sue Finnie

Alter Ego: Livre de l'eleve & CD audio 1

By Annie Berthet, Beatrix Sampsonis, Sylvie Pons

Tricolore Total 1 Copymasters and Assessment

By Honnor, S, Mascie-Taylor, H, Spencer, Michael

Edexcel International GCSE and Certificate German

By Marian Jones, Helen Kent, Birgit Linton, Janet Searle

Tricolore Total 2 Grammar in Action (8 pack)

By Honnor, S, Mascie-Taylor, Heather, Spencer, Michael

Paul et Virginie (Lectures Cle En Francais Facile: Niveau 2)

By Bernardin de Saint-P

Un Noel de Maigret

By Georges Simenon

A History of the French Language

By Peter Rickard

Better French: 4e: Achieving Fluency with Everyday Speech

By Monique Jackman (Teacher and author of French)

Make Over Your French In Just 3 Weeks! with Audio CD

By Aimee Godard, Luc Nisset

Pourquoi pas!: Livre de l'eleve + CD 4

Balises: Moliere

La Symphonie Pastorale

By Andre Gide, M. Shackleton, M. Shakleton

Grand Meaulnes

By Alain- Fournier, Robert Gibson, Alain-Fournier

Voici la France

By Duncan Sidwell, Martine Benitez, Bernard Kavanagh

A Toute France: Livre & CD

By Lucia Bonato, Franca Bruera

The World of KS3 French: Year 8 (Letts World of)

Concise Oxford-Hachette French Dictionary

By Marie-Helene Correard, Valerie Grundy, Jena-Benoit Ormal-Grenon, Natalie Pomier

Élan: 2: A2 Teacher's Book

By Danièle Bourdais, Marian Jones, Gill Maynard, Martine Pillette, Lorraine Poulter

Tricolore Total 2 Copymasters and Assessment

By Mascie-Taylor, H, Spencer, Michael, Honnor, S

Tricolore Total 3 Copymasters & Assessment

By Heather Mascie-Taylor, Michael Spencer, S Honnor

Camarades: Stage 1

By Deane, Michele, Nourse, Kathy, Ramage, Gill, Connor, John

French for Kids First Words: French-English Bilingual Book + DVD (40 mins approx)

French: Everything You Need to Get Talking