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Dictionnaire Hachette & Vox Francais-Espagnol/Espagnol-Francais

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Une mort tres douce

By Simone de Beauvoir

Cambridge Word Routes Anglais-Francais: Lexique thematique de l'anglais courant

By Michael McCarthy

Voila! 2 Clair Student's Book

Fusee: Level 2: Student's Book

By Genevieve Talon, Alan Wesson

Therese Raquin (French Texts)

By Zola, Émile, Nelson, Brian

L'oreille cassee

By Hergé

L'Avare - Comédie 1668

By Moliere

Le Journal de Delphine

By Monique Alcott

Pourquoi pas!: Livre de l'eleve + CD 4

Collins Easy Learning French Dictionary

Encore Tricolore Nouvelle 2 Grammar in Action Pack (x8)

By S Honnor, H Mascie-Taylor

GCSE French for OCR Foundation Exam Skills Workbook & CD-ROM

By Danièle Bourdais, Sue Finnie

Alter Ego: Livre de l'eleve & CD audio 1

By Annie Berthet, Beatrix Sampsonis, Sylvie Pons

Tricolore Total 1 Copymasters and Assessment

By Honnor, S, Mascie-Taylor, H, Spencer, Michael

Edexcel International GCSE and Certificate German

By Marian Jones, Helen Kent, Birgit Linton, Janet Searle

Tricolore Total 2 Grammar in Action (8 pack)

By Honnor, S, Mascie-Taylor, Heather, Spencer, Michael

Paul et Virginie (Lectures Cle En Francais Facile: Niveau 2)

By Bernardin de Saint-P

Un Noel de Maigret

By Georges Simenon

A History of the French Language

By Peter Rickard

Better French: 4e: Achieving Fluency with Everyday Speech

By Monique Jackman (Teacher and author of French)

Make Over Your French In Just 3 Weeks! with Audio CD

By Aimee Godard, Luc Nisset

The World of KS3 French: Year 8 (Letts World of)

Camarades: Stage 1

By Deane, Michele, Nourse, Kathy, Ramage, Gill, Connor, John

Tricolore Total 3 Copymasters & Assessment

By Heather Mascie-Taylor, Michael Spencer, S Honnor

Tricolore Total 2 Copymasters and Assessment

By Mascie-Taylor, H, Spencer, Michael, Honnor, S

Élan: 2: A2 Teacher's Book

By Danièle Bourdais, Marian Jones, Gill Maynard, Martine Pillette, Lorraine Poulter

Concise Oxford-Hachette French Dictionary

By Marie-Helene Correard, Valerie Grundy, Jena-Benoit Ormal-Grenon, Natalie Pomier

Grand Meaulnes

By Alain- Fournier, Robert Gibson, Alain-Fournier

Balises: Moliere