books by subject
Humor Books
Venn That Tune: Bringing the Poetry of Maths to the Magic of Pop!
The Element in the Room: Science-y Stuff Staring You in the Face (Festival of the Spoken Nerd)
So You've Been Publicly Shamed
Balham to Bollywood
An ABC of Gardening
Fun Facts about the Bible (d)
Irons in the Fire
The Bluffer's Guide to Marketing
Tic-Tac Teddy Bears and Teardrop Tattoos
The Dark Night of the Shed: Men, the midlife crisis, spirituality - and sheds
Let Sleeping Vets Lie
Vicar's World
Sleeping Around: Secrets of a Sexual Adventuress
101 Uses for a Dead Meerkat
First Words (Photo Board Books)
Bob Monkhouse: Unpublished!
How Not to Be a Professional Footballer
Ig Nobel Prizes : The Annals of Improbable Research
The Little Book of ASBOs: Asbolent Behaviour from Around the Country
The Tall Book: A Celebration of Life from on High
Top 10 of Britain: 250 quintessentially British lists
Let's Get Divorced: The Complete Divorce Workout Book by TV's Own Jonathan and Libby Hughes
Ken Dodd's Butty Book
The Fine Art of Flirting
Oh, Carol!
One Minute Wisdom
The World's Best Book
A Feast of French and Saunders
The Random Book of... Michael