books by subject
Humor Books

The Single Girl's Guide

Famous Bridge Disasters (MASTER BRIDGE)

Break a Leg: A memoir, manifesto and celebration of amateur theatre

Bluff Your Way in the EU (Bluffer's Guides)

Scone with the Wind: Cakes and Bakes with a Literary Twist

The Romantic Economist: A Story of Love and Market Forces

Things I Wish My Mother Had Told Me: Lessons in Grace and Elegance

How to Teach Relativity to Your Dog

Closet Reading: 500 Years of British Humour: The Hilarious Story of Toilet Humour

You Know You're over Forty When

The Bluffer's Guide to Teaching: Bluff Your Way in Teaching (Bluffers Guides)

Book of Wit and Humour

Rome, Inc.: The Rise and Fall of the First Multinational Corporation: 0 (Enterprise)

Unspeakable "If" (Methuen humour books)

Spike Milligan

Word Drops: A Sprinkling of Linguistic Curiosities

On Crosswords: Thoughts, Studies, Facts and Snark about a 100-Year-Old Pastime

All At Sea: One man. One bathtub. One very bad idea.

Really Fun Activity Book For 7-9 Year Olds: Fun & educational activity book for seven to nine year old children (Activity Books For Kids)

Peter Sellers: The Authorized Biography (Coronet Books)

Pigsticking - A Joy for Life: The Gentleman's Guide to Sporting Pastimes

The Passengers: A near-future thriller with a killer twist

The Three of U.S.: A New Life in New York

Das Geschenkbuch für liebe Kollegen!: Ein Geschenkbuch für die Frau oder den Mann, mit der/dem man die längste Zeit des Tages verbringt

Really Important Stuff My Kids Have

Progressive: Beginner Guitar Chords

The Lady Who Liked Clean Rest Rooms

Seeing Further: The Story of Science and the Royal Society

How to Get Things Really Flat: A Man's Guide to Ironing, Dusting and Other Household Arts