books by subject
International Economic Development

Evaluation Frameworks for Development Programmes and Projects

Agricultural Development in the Third World (The Johns Hopkins Studies in Development)

Structural Adjustment, the Environment and Sustainable Development

Sharing in Development: Programme of Employment, Equity and Growth for the Philippines

A Prelude to the Foundation of Political Economy: Oil, War, and Global Polity

Controlling the World Bank and IMF: Shareholders, Stakeholders, and the Politics of Concessional Lending

Regulating Capitalism?: The Evolution of Transnational Accounting Governance

Least Developed Countries and the WTO: Special Treatment in Trade

Learning from the South Korean Developmental Success: Effective Developmental Cooperation and Synergistic Institutions and Policies

The Political Economy of Food and Nutrition Policies

Housing Finance Systems: Market Failures and Government Failures

Fallen heroes in global capitalism: Workers and the Restructuring of the Polish Steel Industry

Toward a Good Society in the Twenty-First Century: Principles and Policies

Poverty and Exclusion of Minorities in China and India

The Political Economy of Conflict in South Asia

Growing Income Inequalities: Economic Analyses

Animal Spirits with Chinese Characteristics: Investment Booms and Busts in the World's Emerging Economic Giant

Inclusiveness in India: A Strategy for Growth and Equality

Gender Equality and Inequality in Rural India: Blessed with a Son

The China Development Model: Between the State and the Market

Plundered Nations?: Successes and Failures in Natural Resource Extraction

The Political Economy of Microfinance: Financializing Poverty

The Politics of Autonomy in Latin America: The Art of Organising Hope

Regional Integration and Trade in Africa

Regional Integration and Policy Challenges in Africa

Emerging Economies and Firms in the Global Crisis

Foreign Capital Inflows to China, India and the Caribbean: Trends, Assessments and Determinants

What Global Economic Crisis?

Africa's Challenge to International Relations Theory