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International Economic Development

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From Conflict to Recovery in Africa

By Tony Addison (, Deputy Director UNU/WIDER)

Bad Samaritans

Eco-efficiency and Beyond: Towards the Sustainable Enterprise

By Jan-Dirk Seiler-Hausmann, Christa Liedtke, Ernst Ulrich von Weizsacker

Does Foreign Aid Really Work?

By Roger C. Riddell (Non-Executive Director, Oxford Policy Management, and Principal, The Policy Practice)

The Dynamics of Socio-Economic Development: An Introduction

By Adam Szirmai (Technische Universiteit Eindhoven, The Netherlands)

North-South Trade, Employment, and Inequality

By Adrian Wood

Ending Fossil Fuel Subsidies: The politics of saving the planet

By Neil McCulloch

The European Challenge: From Atlantic Alliance to Pan-European Entente for Peace and Jobs

By Andre Gunder Frank

World Development Report: 1983

By World Bank

Where Is the Wealth of Nations?: Measuring Capital for the 21st Century

National Development Planning in Nigeria

By P.N.C. Okigbo

Trade Liberalization and Poverty: A Handbook

By Mcculloch, Neil, Winters, L. Alan, Cirera, Xavier

Uneven Centuries: Economic Development of Turkey since 1820

By Sevket Pamuk

Alternative Strategies for Economic Development

By Keith Griffin

African Development in a Comparative Perspective

By Yilmaaz Akyuz, Charles Gore

Blighted Harvest: World Bank and African Agriculture in the 1980s

By Peter Gibbon, Kjell J. Havnevkik, Kenneth Hermele

Hunger and Public Action

By Jean Dreze, Amartya K. Sen

The Philippines: Debt and Poverty

By Rosalinda Pineda-Ofreneo

Rural Poverty in Asia: Priority Issues and Policy Options

By M.G. Quibria

African Development Indicators: 2000

By World Bank

Institutions and Economic Change in Southeast Asia: The Context of Development from the 1960s to the 1990s

By Colin Barlow

Brave New Third World: Strategies for Survival in the Global Economy

By Walden Bello

Barefoot Revolution: A report to the Club of Rome

By Bertrand Schneider

Finance Against Poverty: Volume 2: Country Case Studies

By David Hulme (University of Manchester, UK), Paul Mosley

Economic Development and the Environment: A Comparison of Sustainable Development with Conventional Development Economics

By Raymond F Mikesell (Formerly at the University of Oregon, USA)

Constraints on the Success of Structural Adjustment Programmes in Africa

By Charles Harvey

Poverty of Development Economics

By Deepak Lal

Agriculture and Economic Development

By Ghatak, Subrata, Ingersent, K.

Other Policy: The influence of policies on technology choice and small enterprise development

By Ton de Wilde (SATE), Henk Thomas, Frances Stewart

Structural Adjustment and Beyond: Long-term Development in Sub-Saharan Africa

By Rolph Van Der Hoeven, Fred Van Der Kraaij