books by subject
International Finance

An Introduction to Global Financial Markets

In Defence of Open Society: The Legendary Philanthropist Tackles the Dangers We Must Face for the Survival of Civilisation

World Bank Atlas 1998 (Atlas of Global Development)

Global Political Economy

Global Governance of Financial Systems: The International Regulation of Systemic Risk (CERF Monographs on Finance and the Economy)

International Business

The Return Of Depression Economics (Penguin Business Library)

International Business

A Fate Worse Than Debt

Financial Accounting and Reporting

Real Exchange Rates, Devaluation, and Adjustment: Exchange Rate Policy in Developing Countries (The MIT Press)

The Latin American Debt

Developing Country Debt and the World Economy (NBER-Project Reports)

The International Monetary System (I1800)

Debt, Adjustment And Recovery: Latin America's Prospects for Growth and Development

Inflation Exchange Rates and the World Economy 3rd Edition

International Financial Reporting: A Practical Guide

A Bull in China: Investing Profitably in the World′s Greatest Market

The Role of Climate Change in Global Economic Governance

Handbook on Ethics in Finance (International Handbooks in Business Ethics)

Modern International Economics

Foundations of Multinational Financial Management

International Capital Budgeting

Multinational Business Finance: Global Edition

The Subprime Solution: How Today's Global Financial Crisis Happened, and What to Do about It

International Economic Law (International Economic Law Series)

International Finance (Macmillan business)

Global Instability: The Political Economy of World Economic Governance (Routledge Studies in Contemporary Political Economy)

International Investment Instruments: A Compendium