books by subject
International Finance

The Global Macro Economy and Finance

Understanding Mergers and Acquisitions in the 21st Century: A Multidisciplinary Approach

Financial Liberalization and the Asian Crisis

Development Finance in the Global Economy: The Road Ahead

Capital Requirements, Disclosure, and Supervision in the European Insurance Industry: New Challenges towards Solvency II

Financial Development, Institutions, Growth and Poverty Reduction

The Coming First World Debt Crisis

Singular and Different: Business in China, Past, Present and Future

China's Outward Foreign Direct Investments and Impact on the World Economy

Bunds and Bund Futures

The Global Recession Risk: Dollar Devaluation and the World Economy

The Re-Emergence of Global Finance

Banking Secrecy and Global Finance: Economic and Political Issues

Submerging Markets: The Impact of Increased Financial Regulations on the Future Growth Rates of BRICS Countries

Private Equity in Emerging Markets: The New Frontiers of International Finance

Globalization of Capital Markets and Monetary Policy

Government Intervention in Globalization: Regulation, Trade and Devaluation Wars

Black Edge: Inside Information, Dirty Money, and the Quest to Bring Down the Most Wanted Man on Wall Street

How the Stock Markets Work: A Guide to the International Markets

The Laundromat: Inside the Panama Papers Investigation of Illicit Money Networks and the Global Elite

Fixing Global Finance

Financial Market Analysis

Keeping the Promise of Social Security in Latin America

New Sources of Development Finance

Real Exchange Rates, Devaluation, and Adjustment: Exchange Rate Policy in Developing Countries

Currencies and Crises

The Bank That Rules the World: Bundesbank - A Study in German Power

China and Israel: Chinese, Jews; Beijing, Jerusalem (1890-2018)

Markets: Who Plays, Who Risks, Who Gains, Who Loses