books by subject
Management Skills

Advances in Group Processes: 34

Teacher Leadership in Professional Development Schools

Frontiers of Creative Industries: Exploring Structural and Categorical Dynamics (Research in the Sociology of Organizations): 55

Re-envisioning the MLS: Perspectives on the Future of Library and Information Science Education, Part A (Advances in Librarianship): 44

The Romance of Heroism and Heroic Leadership (Emerald Points)

Change and Continuity Management in the Public Sector: The DALI Model for Effective Decision Making

Atomic: Reforming the Business Landscape into the New Structures of Tomorrow

Out of Our Minds: Learning to be Creative

ACCA 3.7: Strategic Financial Management (Acca Study Text)

Life's Too F***ing Short

Confidence: How Winning Streaks and Losing Streaks Begin and End

Management Level Psychometric & Assessment Tests: Everything you need to help you land that senior job

Big Data: A Revolution That Will Transform How We Live, Work and Think

Love and Profit: Art of Caring Leadership

Holistic Risk Management in Practice

Writing Your Dissertation, 3rd Edition: The Bestselling Guide to Planning, Preparing and Presenting First-Class Work

Coaching for Performance: The Principles and Practices of Coaching and Leadership: A Practical Guide to Growing Your Own Skills (People Skills for Professionals)


Talent is Overrated: What Really Separates World-Class Performers from Everybody Else

The Influencing Pocketbook (Management Pocketbooks S.)

Franklin Covey Style Guide [With CD]

Masters of Networking: Building Relationships for Your Pocketbook and Soul

7 Steps to Emotional Intelligence

Impact & Presence Pocketbook

Revolution in a Heartbeat: Using Emotional Insights to Drive Better Business Performance

Dr Spencer Johnson 3 Books Collection Set (Who Moved, Out of the Maze, The Present)

Mindfulness: Be mindful. Live in the moment.

Managing for the first time (UK PROFESSIONAL BUSINESS Management / Business)

Talking to Strangers, 4 Disciplines of Execution, Switch 3 Books Collection Set