books by subject
Microbiology Textbooks

Medical Microbiology (Fundamentals of Biomedical Science)

Bioenergy for Sustainability and Security

Symbioses and Stress: Joint Ventures in Biology: 17 (Cellular Origin, Life in Extreme Habitats and Astrobiology, 17)

The Diatom World: 19 (Cellular Origin, Life in Extreme Habitats and Astrobiology, 19)

Anoxia: Evidence for Eukaryote Survival and Paleontological Strategies: 21 (Cellular Origin, Life in Extreme Habitats and Astrobiology, 21)

Microbial Mats: Modern and Ancient Microorganisms in Stratified Systems: 14 (Cellular Origin, Life in Extreme Habitats and Astrobiology, 14)

Red Algae in the Genomic Age: 13 (Cellular Origin, Life in Extreme Habitats and Astrobiology, 13)

STROMATOLITES: Interaction of Microbes with Sediments: 18 (Cellular Origin, Life in Extreme Habitats and Astrobiology, 18)

The Algae World: 26 (Cellular Origin, Life in Extreme Habitats and Astrobiology, 26)

The Science of Algal Fuels: Phycology, Geology, Biophotonics, Genomics and Nanotechnology: 25 (Cellular Origin, Life in Extreme Habitats and Astrobiology, 25)

Biomanagement of Metal-Contaminated Soils: 20 (Environmental Pollution, 20)

An Introduction to Microbiology: Vol 1 (Basic Microbiology)

Metal Ions and Bacteria

Principles and Practice of Disinfection, Preservation and Sterilisation

Microbiologically Influenced Corrosion Handbook (Woodhead Publishing Series in Metals and Surface Engineering)

The Prokaryotes: A Handbook on Habitats, Isolation and Identification of Bacteria

Biochemistry of Bacterial Growth

Theory and Practice in Experimental Bacteriology

Bergey's Manual of Determinative Bacteriology

Handbook of Microbiology: Bacteria, Volume I: 001

Microbiology, the Easy Way (Barron's Easy Way Series)

Bacterial Signalling

Colour Terminology in Biology (Mycological Paper)

Fifty Years of Antimicrobials: Past Perspectives and Future Trends: 53 (Society for General Microbiology Symposia, Series Number 53)

Microbiology: A Clinical Approach

Microbiology: An Introduction: International Edition

Bacteria versus Antibacterial Agents

Foundations of Parasitology

BIOS Instant Notes in Microbiology