books by subject
New Age UFOs
The Ufo Report 1991 (Unidentified Flying Object Report)
Alien Agenda: The Untold Story of the Extraterrestrials Among Us
The 12th Planet: Book One of the Earth Chronicles
Extraterrestrial Contact: The Evidence and Implications
The Wars of Gods and Men
Investigating UFO's (Forensic Files)
Colony Earth: Extraterrestrial Life and Our Origins? (A Panther book)
The World's Greatest Alien Conspiracy Theories
Alien Encounters: True Life Stories of Aliens, UFOs and Other Extra-terrestrial Phenomena
Strange But True: UFO's
Mrs Moore in Space
The Aliens Handbook
Extraterrestrial: 5 (Mysterious World)
The Alien Files
Thiaoouba Prophecy
The UFO Files: Unidentified Flying Objects
The Hynek UFO Report
UFO Retrievals: The Recovery of Alien Spacecraft
The Starseed Dialogues: Soul Searching the Universe
The Gods of Eden: Egypt's Lost Legacy and the Genesis of Civilisation
The Alien Chronicles: Compelling Evidence For UFO's and Extraterrestrial Encounters In Art and Texts Since Ancient Times: Yesterday's X Files - ... in Art and Texts, Since Ancient Times
The 12th Planet (Book I): The First Book of the Earth Chronicles: 01 (Earth Chronicles S.)
Sci-Fi Channel True Life Encounters: UFO Sightings (Science fi Channel True Life Encounters)
Alien Encounters
The World's Greatest Alien Encounters
Wild Things They Don't Tell Us
Left at East Gate: A First-Hand Account of the Bentwater-Woodbridge UFO Incident, its Cover-Up, and Investigation
Beyond UFOs The Search for Extraterrestrial Life and Its Astonishing Implications for Our Future