books by subject
New Age UFOs

The Alien Hunter's Handbook

Secret History : Conspiracies from Ancient Aliens to the New World Order (The Real Unexplained! Collection)

The Breakthrough (Transformation)

Case Mj-12: The True Story Behind the Government's Ufo Conspiracies

In Search of Ancient Gods: My Pictorial Evidence for the Impossible

Awakening in the Dream: Contact with the Divine

Exopolitics: Politics, Government And Law In The Universe

Project Blue Book: The Top Secret UFO Files That Revealed a Government Cover-Up

The Legend of the Sons of God: A Fantasy?

The Ufo Report

The Sirius Mystery



Aliens and UFOs

Gods of Air and Darkness

The Sirius Mystery: Conclusive New Evidence of Alien Influence on the Origins of Humankind in the Traditions of an African Tribe

Men in Black: Investigating the Truth Behind the Phenomenon

Forensic Files: Investigating UFO's

Life Beyond Planet Earth?: Man's Contacts with Space People

Hollywood vs the Aliens: The Motion Picture Industry's Participation in UFO Dis-information

Great Lakes Triangle, The

UFO Phenomenon