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Paediatric Medicine Textbooks

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Nelson Essentials of Pediatrics

By Behrman MD, Richard E., Kliegman MD, Robert M.

Pediatric Imaging: Rapid-Fire Questions & Answers: Rapid-fire Questions and Answers

By Frank Quattromani

Unwillingly to School: School Phobia or School Refusal - A Psychosocial Problem

By Kahn, Jack, Nursten, Jean P., Carroll, Howard C.M.

Dyslexia and Other Learning Difficulties: A Parent's Guide (Self Help Guides) (Self Help Guides S.)

By Maria Chivers

Care of the Critically ill Child

By Macnab MD(London) FRCPC, Andrew J., Mcrae MBBS FRCA FRCPCH, Duncan J., Henning FRCA FFICANZCA DCH, Robert

Essentials of Paediatric Intensive Care

By Stack, C. G., Dobbs, P.

Psychotherapy of Abused and Neglected Children

By Pearce, John W., Pezzot-Pearce, Terry Dianne

Handbook of Paediatrics

By Mann

Hip Sonography: Diagnosis and Management of Infant Hip Dysplasia

By Graf, R., Scott, S., Lercher, K., Baumgartner, F., Benaroya, A.

Developmental Therapy: Theory into Practice (Jossey-bass social & behavioral science Series)

By Ivey, Allen E.

Speaking, Listening and Understanding: Games for Young Children (The Good Communication Pathway)

By Catherine Delamain, Jill Spring, Delamain, Catherine, Spring, Jill

Child and His Symptoms

By Apley

Epileptogenic and Excitotoxic Mechanisms: Proceedings of the Advanced Course in Epileptology, Erice, Sicily, January, 1992: 8 (Current Problems in Epilepsy)

By Avanzini, G, Fariello, R, Heinemann, U, Mutani

Neonatology (Colour Aids)

By Thomas, Roslyn, Harvey, David

Recent Advances in Perinatal Medicine: v.1: Vol 1

By Chiswick, M.L.

Neonatal Intensive Care: Principles and Guidelines

By Ulmer, H.E., Wille, L., Obladen, M., Merritt, A., Telger, T.C.

Neurology of Hereditary Metabolic Diseases of Children

By Adams, Raymond D., etc., Lyon, Gilles, Kolodny, Edwin H.

Paediatrics in the Tropics

By Hendrickse

ABC of Child Protection (ABC) (ABC Series)

By Roy Meadow, Jacqueline Mok, Donna Rosenberg

Helping Sick Children Play

By Weller, Barbara F.

Basic Child Psychiatry

By Barker, Philip

Children's Fractures

By Rang, Mercer

BNF for Children (BNFC) 2015-2016

By Paediatric Formulary Committee

Neonatology and Paediatrics: Picture Tests (Colour Guide Picture Test S.)

By Hyer MB ChB MRCP, Warren, Thomas FRCP MB BS, Roslyn, Harvey MB FRCP DCH DObstRCOG, David R.

Essentials of Neonatal Medicine

By Levene, Malcolm I., Tudehope, David I., Thearle, M. John

Paediatric Patient and Family-Centred Care: Ethical and Legal Issues: 57 (International Library of Ethics, Law, and the New Medicine, 57)

By Zlotnik Shaul, Randi

Neurodevelopmental Disabilities: Clinical Care for Children and Young Adults

By Patel, Dilip R., Greydanus, Donald E., Omar, Hatim A., Merrick, Joav

Ethical Issues in Pediatric Organ Transplantation: 66 (International Library of Ethics, Law, and the New Medicine, 66)

By Greenberg, Rebecca A., Goldberg, Aviva M., Rodríguez-Arias, David

Benign Childhood Focal Seizures and Related Epileptic Syndromes

By Panayiotopoulos, C. P.

Child Fatality Review: Evaluation of Accidental and Inflicted Child Death: An Interdisciplinary Guide and Photographic Reference

By Randell Alexander, J.C.Upshaw Downs, Mary Case