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Paediatric Medicine Textbooks

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Pediatric Cancer, Volume 3: Diagnosis, Therapy, and Prognosis (Pediatric Cancer, 3)

By Hayat, M.A.

Child Neuropsychology: Assessment and Interventions for Neurodevelopmental Disorders, 2nd Edition

By Semrud-Clikeman, Margaret, Teeter Ellison, Phyllis Anne

Early Nutrition and its Later Consequences: New Opportunities: Perinatal Programming of Adult Health - EC Supported Research: 569 (Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, 569)

By Koletzko, Berthold, Dodds, Peter, Akerblom, Hans, Ashwell, Margaret

Bioethics in the Pediatric ICU: Ethical Dilemmas Encountered in the Care of Critically Ill Children: 77 (International Library of Ethics, Law, and the New Medicine, 77)

By Miller-Smith, Laura, Finnsdóttir Wagner, Ásdís, Lantos, John D.

Ethics in Pediatrics: Achieving Excellence When Helping Children

By Mitchell, Ian, Guichon, Juliet R.

Ethical Dilemmas for Critically Ill Babies: 65 (International Library of Ethics, Law, and the New Medicine, 65)

By Verhagen, Eduard, Janvier, Annie

Children's Fractures

By Rang, Mercer

Medical Care of Newborn Babies (Clinics in Developmental Medicine S.)

By Davies

Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics

By Nelson, Waldo E., Vaughan, Victor C., etc.

Paediatric Respiratory Medicine

By Jeremy Hull, Julian Forton, Anne Thomson

Epilepsy: A Parent's Guide

By Joe McMenamin, Mary O'Connor Bird

Illustrated Textbook of Paediatrics, 5e

By Lissauer MB BChir FRCPCH, Tom, Carroll MD MRCP MRCPCH Bm BCh BA MA(Oxon), Will

Birth Crisis

By Kitzinger, Sheila

Handbook of Obstetric Medicine, Fourth Edition

By Nelson-Piercy, Catherine

Handbook of Paediatric Intensive Care

By Pearson, Gale A.

Paediatric Optometry

By Harvey MCOptom, WILLIAM, Gilmartin PhD BSc FBCO FAAO, Bernard

Concise Paediatrics

By Sidwell, Rachel, Thomson, Mike

Assessment of Skeletal Maturity and Prediction of Adult Height (TW3) Method

By Tanner, James M., Healy, Michael J. R., Goldstein, H., Cameron, N.

The Child's Own Story: Life Story Work with Traumatized Children (Delivering Recovery)

By Richard Rose and Terry Philpot

Psychotherapy with Severely Deprived Children

By Boston, Mary, Szur, Rolene

Paediatric Rheumatology (Oxford Specialist Handbooks in Paediatrics)

By Foster, Helen E., Brogan, Paul A.

Common Symptoms of Disease in Children

By Illingworth, Ronald S.

The Child Surveillance Handbook

By Hall, D.M.B.; Hill, P. & Elliman, D., Tippett, Victoria, Ashcroft, Richard Edmund

Health for All Children: Revised Fourth Edition

By Hall, David

Neonatal Intensive Care Nursing

By Boxwell (Connolly), Glenys

Pediatrics (Underground Clinical Vignettes)

By BHUSHAN, Vikas, Pall, Vishal, LE, Tao, Fierro, José M., Nguyen, Hoang

Handbook of Haematological Investigations in Children (Paediatric handbooks)

By Stevens, R.F.

Physical Signs of Sexual Abuse in Children: Report

By Royal College of Physicians

Pocket Guide to Pediatric Assessment

By Engel, Joyce

A Manual of Normal Neonatal Care

By Roberton, N. R. C.