By Paul Babyn
By Althea, Frances Cony
By Spitz, Lewis, Steiner, G.M., Zachary, R.B.
By Illingworth
By Heyne, David, Rollings, Stephanie, King, Neville, Tonge, Bruce
By Ollendick, Thomas H., March, John S.
By Blagg, Nigel
By Kliegman MD, Robert M., Stanton MD, Bonita M.D., St. Geme MD, Joseph, Schor MD PhD, Nina F, Behrman MD, Richard E.
By Ayuk, Paul
By Nelson-Piercy, Catherine
By Dept.of Health
By Barnes, Peter, Godfrey, Professor Simon, Simon
By Koletzko, Berthold, Fleischer Michaelsen, Kim, Hernell, Olle
By R.W. Steele, J.W. Bass, Steele, R.W., Bass, J.W.
By Black, John
By Blair, Mitch
By Fleisher, Gary R., Ludwig, Stephen
By Lewis MD FAAP FACC Dr., David, Nocton MD FAAP, James J.
By Park MD FAAP FACC, Myung K.
By Crain, Ellen F., Gershel, Jeffrey C.
By American Academy of Pediatrics, Seidel, James S, Knapp, Jane F
By Gary Frank, S. Shah, Lisa B. Zaoutis, Marina Catallozzi
By ACOG Committee on Obstetric Practice, AAP Committee on Fetus and Newborn, Stark, Ann R., Riley, Laura E.
By Gomella, Tricia Lacy, etc.
By Kleinman, Ronald E.
By Emans, S.Jean Herriot, etc.
By Sapire, David W.
By Reece, Robert M., Ludwig, Stephen
By Katz MD, Samuel
By Zitelli MD, Basil J., Davis MD, Holly W.